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The Ranger and his horse trotted into Hallasholm. He saw an older Skandian that he recognized from the last time that he was there, four years ago. Svengal spotted him, and beckoned for him to follow him to Oberjarl Erak.

"David? Is that you? My, it's been a while. You've changed quite a bit." Erak greeted him.

"But you haven't changed a bit." David smiled.

"What can I do for you, my boy?"

David smiled again. "The fighting in the Rangers has finally stopped in Araleun. It is safe for Jemma to return home. She will join a formal debate, discussing the arrangement of females in the Ranger Corps."

"Well, I've got bad news and good news for you." Erak said gravely, before smiling. "The good news is that it turns out Jemma was pregnant when she arrived here, and you are now the father to two beautiful twin boys."

David beamed. "Really? That's wonderful! What are their names?"

"Daniel and Stanley, or as the Herons affectionately call them, Dan and Stan." Erak chuckled. "I have to say, Ulf and Wulf were quite amused."

David chuckled. "I'm not surprised."

He then frowned. "What's the bad news then?"

Erak's expression turned grim. "Just under a year ago, there was an invading force on Hallasholm. They were strong, and they demanded Jemma Treaty be brought to them."

David looked worried. "Are Jemma and the kids alright?"

Erak tried to keep his expression neutral to deliver the news. "I ordered the Herons to take them away from Skandia. We haven't heard from them since. We sent search parties to find them after the battle finished, but there was no trace of them."

David let out a shaky breath. "Well...okay. Thank you for the news. I'd better get back to Araluen and inform everybody."


David arrived at the Ranger Gathering to greet his father-in-law, Will. David told him that he needed to talk with Halt, Gilan and himself. Will saw his grave expression and nodded.

The four gathered in Gilan's Command Tent. David told them everything that Erak had told him.

"So I'm a grandfather?" Will said, immediately after he had finished. David nodded.

"That's fantastic! I can't wait to tell Alyss!" He exclaimed. Halt rolled his eyes.

"You must feel so old, Will." He said.

Will grinned. "I don't know what you're talking about. Those two boys are going to be calling you Great-Grandpa Halt, after all."

Gilan chuckled, but then looked grim. "So they don't know where Jemma and the kids are?"

"No." David shook his head and sunk into a chair.

"That's bad, guys." Gilan said, looking at Will and Halt. "We need Jemma for the debate, and..."

"And what?" Halt said.

"We've had a report...there's something happening in one of the fiefs, but it's spreading. Will's dealt with a case like this before, with Maddie."

Will sucked in a breath as he remembered.

"Children are disappearing again. And I think Jemma would be the best person to put on the case. It may also improve women's standing in the Rangers." Gilan said.

"So what can we do?" David asked.

"I don't know." Gilan said. "Where could Jemma be?"


Jemma smiled as she watched Dan and Stan giggling as they ran around boat. She heard Thorn, Hal, Stig and Lydia laughing next to her as they watched Ulf and Wulf, the official babysitters, chase after them.

"I'm happy." Jemma said.

"Because you're going back home?" Hal asked.

"Because we're safe." Jemma smiled. "We're finally safe."

The Herons had travelled on their boat to a land only they knew, so Jemma and the twins had been safe. After a reasonable amount of time, the crew had left to go and find information on the situation in Araluen. They returned, telling of the brilliant news that the fighting had ceased.

Jemma had packed their belongings, and a week later, they were out on the sea again, headed to Araluen.

"Thank you." Jemma said sincerely.

"It's been our honour."


"Land ahead!" The cry went through the ship. Jemma smiled as she saw Araluen in the distance.

When they immediately reached land, they docked the ship. They were greeted by a man and his son, who called, "May we please speak to the Captain about payment?"

Jemma gave a confused glance to Hal, who shrugged. "Let me handle this one." Jemma said.

She put up her Ranger hood to hide her face and jumped lightly from the ship. She faced the man, who appeared noticeably drunk, and studied the boy next to him. He had a rope tied around his wrist.

"You're not a Captain." The man slurred.

"And you're not a tax collector." Jemma said clearly.

"You gotta pay a fine." The man continued to slur. "It will be a fifty and a fifty."

"I have to inform you sir, that if you make anybody else pay any tax, I will report you for fraud. This bay doesn't demand taxes. You a drunk, and clearly keeping that boy a slave. This is highly illegal in Araluen, so I suggest you leave the boy with me and run before I turn you in."

The boy looked relieved as the man stood back, shocked, and slipped off the other end of the rope that was around his wrist. The man stumbled away as the boy raced forward to give her a hug.

"Thank you Ranger..." The boy started, but glanced at her to finish.


"You're a female?"

Jemma laughed and nodded. "What's your name?"

"I'm Harold, miss."

"Hello Harold. It's a pleasure to meet you. How far away from your home are you?"

Harold told Jemma where he lived, and she frowned. "That's quite far from here. Would you like to travel with us?"

Harold nodded. "Yes, thank you Ranger Jemma."

He boarded the ship and the Skandians quickly introduced themselves. Jemma smiled as Dan and Stan toddled up to her.

"Where we going mummy?" Stan asked.

Jemma wrapped them in a hug as the ship left the dock to move to another.

"We are going home." Jemma whispered in their ears.

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