Chapter Nine

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"Your Highness!" One of the guards called as he ran up the stairs to Maddie's study.

"Yes?" Maddie answered, internally groaning at the role she now had while in the castle.

"There's a bunch of Rangers outside." The man replied. "They request to see you."

"How many do you qualify as a bunch?" She immediately asked. "Has the Ranger Commandant been alerted?"

"I believe there are ten to twelve Rangers there, miss." The guard said hurriedly. "There are several guards on their way now to speak to Ranger Gilan."

"Good." Maddie nodded. "Show me to them, and get someone to find Henry."

"Yes, your Highness." He bowed. "This way, your Highness."

As the two hurried along, Maddie turned to the guard, bemused. "You're new to the castle, aren't you?"

"I am your Highness." He nodded. "How could you tell?"

"I try to remember everybody in the Castle, and I do not remember seeing you before." She looked at him from the corner of her eye with a grin. "And you refer to me as 'Your Highness' in almost every sentence you speak. You don't need to call me that all the time, you know? I would like it if you referred to me by my name, Maddie."

"Yes, your h-" He stopped himself and gave her a sheepish grin as she gave him a look.

"We'll work on it."


"Your Highness!" One of the Rangers called.

"Why is everybody calling me that today?" Maddie grumbled to herself. "My name is Maddie!"

Gilan gave her look from the corner of his eye. "You do realise that that's not the problem right now, right?"

"I know." She sighed, then called out. "Yes?"

"We demand you leave the Castle and hand over your Ranger gear at once!"

"And why would I do that?" Maddie drawled.

"As a member of the Royal Family, you cannot protect yourself. You need others to do this for you. Leave your Ranger gear to us, we'll put it to better use. Only then can you be fit to rule us."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that won't happen."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're all sexist pigs."

"Well, I'm afraid that that is where you are wrong, your Highness. We will speak again tomorrow."

They turned away, and Maddie looked to Gilan. 

"They do realise that I won't change my mind, right?"


Three days later, Maddie and Gilan sighed as they looked down at the Rangers below.

"It's been three days, how much longer are they going to wait?" Maddie asked.

"They look like they're going to wait for a lot longer to come." Cassandra said.

"The Drawbridge is going down!" The call ran around the castle. "THE DRAWBRIDGE IS GOING DOWN!"

Guards started running all over the place, and Maddie ushered her parents away from where they were standing.

"Mum, you need to go up to the tower. I'll catch up soon."

Cassandra frowned, worried, but she trusted her daughter. She nodded, following the guards that ushered her away.

Maddie ran forward a  few pace along the battlements, securing herself a good position and bringing her bow out. She nocked a few arrows, choosing targets and shooting.

"How did the drawbridge come down?" Maddie called out. "Do we have a traitor in our midst?"

"I don't exactly know." Gilan said. "I heard someone saying it was two Rangers from inside, Andrew and Quigley."

"What? They're not the type to do that!" Maddie exclaimed.

"I know." Gilan sighed. "But it's too late to do anything about it now."

"Your Highness!" One of the guards called out. "You need to leave, now! Go up to the tower!"

Gilan turned to Maddie. "They're right, you know. We need the Royal family safe."

"I can't leave." Maddie shook her head.

"You need to." Gilan commanded. "Don't worry, I'll follow you."

"Fine." Maddie grumbled.

"Sometimes, you're too stubborn for you're own good." Gilan sighed.

The two Rangers ran quickly, dodging guards rushing about, fighting off the invading forces.

"Ranger Maddie! Stop!" A voice called. 

The two stopped, slowly turning around to face the owner of the voice.

"Hey Quigley." Maddie said quietly. "You don't have to do this, man."

She could see tears in Quigley's eyes. She slowly took a step forward, reaching to grab Quigley's bow from his hand.

"They threatened my family - my sisters, my mother." Quigley said. "I have to protect them."

"Who threatened them, Quigley?" Gilan said lowly.

"I can't tell you." The man shook his head. "What if they hurt them?"

"We can protect them together." Maddie said. "Trust me. Just give me the bow, and then you can come with us. When this is over, we'll go and find your family."

"I'm sorry." Quigley said. "But I didn't see you."

Maddie smiled. "Thank you, Quigley."

Maddie and Gilan continued to run to the tower.

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