Chapter Ten

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"Ok." Jemma sat back as Maddie finished. "So, while they're not the type to do that, they will if threatened. Good to know...but I still don't think they're doing it this time."

"Maybe." Maddie nodded. "But you never know."

Jemma sighed, stretching her arms up and arching her back. "I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed, and sleep on the matter. Goodnight, everybody."

"Night, Jemma."

Jemma left the room, quickly followed by David, who linked arms with her.

"Hey." He said quietly.

Jemma laughed softly. "Hey."

"Were you okay? You know...with the pregnancy?" David whispered nervously.

Jemma nodded, kissing his cheek. "Yeah. Lydia and Hal's mother were a big help...but all the Herons helped me, in a way. Ulf and Wulf became the offical babysitters. They love the twins."

"That's good." David nodded awkwardly. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

"It's okay." Jemma told him. "It wasn't your fault."

"...but...I could have done something..."

"What could you have done?" Jemma smiled.

"I don't know-"

"Shh." Jemma hushed him. "It's in the past. Now why don't we make sure the twins are sleeping, and then we can get some sleep."

"Sounds good." David yawned.

The two made their way to their quarters, entering the room and making their way over to their children's shared bed.

"Hey babies..." Jemma said quietly, lifting the covers to see her children, then gasped.

"David..." She grabbed his arm, as he looked to her with a look of shock.

"Sound the alarm." Jemma said, immediately alert. The one time we let our guard down...

David rushed out of the room, and Jemma reached for her knives, groaning as she remembered that Harold had them. With sudden realisation, she raced into the next room, rushing over to Harold's bed, finding him gone as well. A cloth had been left behind, and she smelt the sleeping drug laced into it.

"Ruth." She stood quickly, running out of the room.

She raced across the castle, through the hallways, passing servants that gasped as she shoved past.

"Sorry!" She called behind her shoulder, before continuing.

Making her way to the Royal quarters, she barged into Maddie's room, sighing in relief when she found baby Ruth.

"Shhh." She whispered, as she picked the girl up and wrapped her in her cloak, Ruth beginning to wake up. Tucking her securely in one arm, she left the room.

She was met with a cloaked figure, holding a child in his own arms - Harold.

"Let go of him." She said, keeping her voice from wobbling. "He has done no harm."

Her trained eyes studied them, and she picked up on the slight bulge around Harold's waist. She smiled, seeing that he had learned from her. Clutching Ruth close, she darted forward, pulling on the scabbard at Harold's waist, grabbing one of her knives and darting out of the way of the man.

The movement woke up Ruth, who began to cry and scream. Jemma ignored the girl clutched in her arms for a moment, training her eyes on the man.

He lunged forward, and she squirmed to the side. Dropping Harold, the man continued to advance. Harold landed with a thud, and Jemma winced, making note to keep him rested for a few days.

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