Chapter Fifteen

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"She's signalling." Thorn said gravely. "She wants us to shoot the Mangler."

"But she's still on board!" Lydia protested. "We can't!"

"If she wants us to shoot, we have to respect her wishes." Hal said with a frown, then turned to Ingvar. "Prepare the Mangler."

Ingvar nodded and turned, hurrying over to the weapon and pulling back a bolt ready. Hal made his way over after getting Stig to take over.

Hal took a deep breath as he angled the Mangler, ready to shoot. He saw Jemma run along to grab Ruth, taking another deep breath.

And then he shot.


"Come on Jemma." Maddie said worriedly, watching as the woman dodged attacks from the men on board, sending her own attacks in return.

"What are they doing?" David frowned, pointing to the Heron.

"They have a massive crossbow on board." Gilan answered. "They use it for destroying ships."

"And they're planning on destroying the other ship?" Halt studied them.

"Looks like it." Will said.

"I'm just going to remind you all that Jemma is on board the ship they are planning to destroy, as well as Ruth." David said with a frown.

"They'll be fine." Will said casually, turning to Halt and Gilan, widening his eyes and gulping.

They focused as they saw Jemma fend off one of the men on the ship, grabbing Ruth. She jumped off the railing, the girl clutched in her arms, just as the first crossbow bolt from the Mangler hit, sending large splinters and chips of wood flying through the air.

Two more bolts, and the ship was on fire. Chaos reigned on board, as men dove overboard, swimming to shore, where they were met by Rangers who immediately tied their hands behind their backs with thumb cuffs.

But there was still no sign of Jemma...or Ruth.

"Where are they?" Maddie asked worriedly, wringing her hands. "She should have at least come up for air by now."

"Look!" Jesper hurriedly pointed, and they turned to watch as Hal stood up on the railing, a rope similarly attached to his waist, as he dove into the water.

"He's spotted something." Will squinted.

They watched for a moment as Hal made his way over to the floating wreckage, grabbing something, then tugging on the rope so that Ingvar and Stig could pull him back on board.

"It's Ruth." Jesper said. "The baby is safe."

"Thank God." Henry let out a sigh of relief, pulling Maddie into his side.

He waved to his skirl, who waved back, holding out the baby in blankets momentarily, as if to say she was safe, before Lydia snatched the child from his hands. They could see her hurriedly wrapping new blankets around her so that she would warm up.

"Where's Jemma?" David frowned, bringing a slightly shaking hand to his mouth, wiping his eyes so that no tears would show.

They were interrupted by a gasping, spluttering sound.

A hundred metres down the bank, Jemma was crawling out of the water, gasping for air.

Cheers erupted from the Rangers as they saw she was alright, as Halt, Will, David and the others rushed to her side.

David reached her first, wrapping his arms around her to warm her up, but she pushed him off, spluttering.

"Ruth?" She gasped, wet hair covering her eyes. "I lost my grip on Ruth."

"She's okay." David comforted her. "We saw Hal dive into the water. He grabbed Ruth from the debris. The basket kept her afloat. She's safe."

"Thank you, Jemma." Maddie said, tears of relief in her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around the younger woman. "You saved my baby."

"Just doing my job." Jemma gasped, still trying to catch her breath, as she fell back and laid on the ground.

Maddie let out a shaky laugh, then turned to watch as the Heron reached land once more, the Herons disembarking. Lydia handed Ruth to Hal, and he walked up to them, smiling wide, and placed the baby in her mother's arms.

Hal moved on then to Jemma's side, offering her a hand, which she took. The two stood, watching as Maddie hugged her baby close, Henry wrapping his arms around his wife and child.

"Good job." Hal said.

Jemma gave him a side grin. "You too."

"Are you alright?" Edvin suddenly asked, beckoning to her head. "You seem to be bleeding."

Jemma reached up behind her head to feel the stickiness that was a small wound. "I must have gotten hit by one of the splinters..."

The head wound finally catching up to her, Jemma's eyes rolled back as she fell unconscious, Hal and Edvin racing to catch her.


When she awoke, Dan and Stan were cuddled into her sides.

"Hey babies." She whispered quietly.

"Mummy?" Dan mumbled, before nudging his brother.

Jemma laughed as the boys jumped up, excitedly wrapping their small arms around her neck.

"You awake now!" Stan cried out with joy.

"What's all this noise?" They heard a voice.

The twins let out a giggle before Dan answered, "Mummy's awake!"

"Jemma?" A voice said, and suddenly the room was crowded, as the Herons and all of her family and friends gathered inside.

Maddie was holding Ruth in her arms, and the little girl reached out to Jemma. The two women laughed as she handed the child over. As Jemma held the girl, Dan and Stan looked curiously over her shoulders to watch the baby giggle as Jemma tickled her.

"This is my mummy." Dan whispered to the baby, and Jemma let out a laugh.

"You can share, Daniel." She gave him a look, and the boy gave her a cheeky grin, reaching forward to kiss the baby's forehead, making the others laugh as well.

"He's definitely the more vocal of the two." Halt told Will amusedly as they watched Stanley shyly ask his mother if he could hold Ruth and give her a cuddle.

Jemma let him, showing him how to sit properly and hold her, before carefully handing her to him.

Dan moved closer on his knees as he watched his brother hold her close. He leaned forward.

"This is my brother." He whispered.

Jemma let out another laugh as Stan slapped his brother's hand away and said with his mother's stern look, "Share."

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