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Jack promised Elsa to lunch at home. And he had thought thoroughly to propose her after three years spent together. He drove his car to a jewelry shop to pick the ring that he'd booked for custom-made.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" One of the worker asked him with a genuine smile.

"Good afternoon, I've got a call that my ring is ready to be picked." He answered.

"Is that so? May I know, under what name did you book it?"


"Sure, give me a minute, please." She walked into a room through the door behind the counter. After a few minutes, she walked out with a small velvet box in her hand.

She handed it to Jack through the counter window. Jack took it and opened the box slowly. He was eager, but he didn't want it to break instead. His eyes sparkled when he saw the inside of the box.

"It's stunning." He examined the ring. It was a ring with a white round-shaped diamond in some small blue diamonds that has been shaped like a snowflake.

"It will suit her well..." He complimented. He took out his credit card and have it to the worker. She scanned it. Then he inserted the pin number and kept the card bank in his wallet.

"Do you want another box for it?" She asked him, "We have various types of ring boxes."

"Can I take a look?"

"Sure..." She brought out a few types of small boxes. Jack chose the one that looked like a big transparent diamond.

"This one, please."

She put the ring in the box, "Are you going to propose someone?"

"Yeah.." He grinned.

"Good luck." She thumb-up.

"Thank you." He smiled to her and walk away. He walked to his car and started driving home. On his way, he stopped at a flower shop to buy a bouquet of blue Carnation for Elsa.

When he arrived home, he opened the door and he could hear the sounds from the kitchen. He walked there, tip-toeing and saw Elsa washing the utensils that she had used. He walked to her and hugged her from behind.

"Hey," She glanced at him and kissed his cheek. He kissed her neck. She then wiped her hands and help him to take off his blazer. He loosened his necktie and handed her the flower he bought.

"For you..." She grabbed it happily and smelled it.

"It's beautiful...." she said fiddling the flowers, "I love it." She pecked his lips and put the flower into a vase. While she was busy keeping the flowers, Jack kneeled behind her and wait for her to turn around.

He held the tiny box in his hand. As soon as she turned around, her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, Jack!" She covered her hanging mouth. He opened the box revealing the ring inside.

"J-Jack." She was dumfounded, "A-Are you kidding me?!" She asked in disbelief.

Jack shaked his head and stared straight into her blue orbs.

"I've never been this serious in my whole life." He took a deep breath and gained his courage.

"I might be a man who's not good with word, but I've tried my best on this. Elizabeth Arens, the first time I met you, you definitely changed my world upside down. I've never tried very hard to impressed a girl, cause they're the one who would always come to me." He laughed nervously.

Her eyes stated to tear. She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming, and it felt really hurt. She knew it was real. But him, his heart was beating really fast, as if he could hear his own heart beats.

"But you were different. Totally different. You made me went crazy head over heels on you. They said to make a girl fall in love, I've to make her smile. But every time you smile, I'm the one who's falling instead. Each time, even until now."

He slid his done that was stucked in his throat, "Then, Elizabeth Arens, will you spend your whole life with me, and make me the most honourable man alive to have you as wife? I want no one else, but you..."

"Yes!" She nodded, her eyes closed, still not believing what was happening, "I will!"

He exhaled the breath he was holding back. He stood up and slid the ring on her left ring finger. The only finger that had vine connected to the heart.

"It's so beautiful, Jack..." She stared at the ring and pulled him into a hug. They shared the embrace for a while. Then they shared a passionate kiss. A kiss not like those they had before. A kiss that felt like eternity. A kiss that proved their love for each other.

They broke the kiss and leaned their forehead on each other. His hands wrapped securely around her. They stayed like that for a while, sharing the warmness.

"I love you, Jack."

"I love you, Elsa."

"To the moon and infinity..." They said in unison.


Edited 😉


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