Mummy... III

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"What're you trying to do to her?" Jack asked. His face was filled with anger, terrifying the man.

"Piss off, it's none of your business!" He closed the door.

But before he could close it, Jack banged it open. He walked in and picked Elsa up.

But the man yanked him backward, "Get out of here!"

Jack ignored the man and tried to pick her up again. The man pulled him backward strongly. But this time, a punch was landed on the man's face. He was going to fight back but stopped when he heard what Jack said.

"Do it." Jack gritted his teeth, holding back his anger.

Jack's face just now was enough to scare him, his words might bring him death. He backed away. Jack carried Elsa out of the club and headed back home. He tucked her into his bed without changing her clothes.

The next morning, when Elsa woke up from her deep slumber. Her head felt dizzy of the hangover. She looked around and was shocked to see where she was. She was in her own room, still in last night's outfit.  She ran out to ask Jack about it.

"Jack, do you-"

"Eat." He cut her off.

"Jack, do-"

"I said eat." His tone was stern.

She sat down and took a spoonful of the scrambled egg, "Jack-"

"I brought you home." He turned around, leaning against the kitchen counter. If a gaze could kill, she might have die by then.

"B-But h-how?" He didn't know that she went to a nightclub. So that's why he's being grumpy early in the morning.

"At least tell me where did you go. It would be easy if anything happened."

She looked down onto her plate, feeling guilty. She played with the egg in her plate.

"You were almost raped last night, and if your friend didn't call me, you might be one of the pitiful rape victims."

She couldn't process his words, "What?"

"A man drugged your drink."

She covered her mouth in disbelief.

"And, what's more interesting is, he's your boss. Mr. Hans Isles, if I'm not wrong."

He knew where she went these past days. But he kept it all quiet because he wanted to see how far was her lies.

"You're spouting nonsense!" She said confidently.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked, almost laughed because of her exclamation.

"He's not that kind of man."

"Oh, really?"

"I know him. He's not the one that will do that to someone without her consent!"

He was taken aback by her sentence, "Miss Arens, what are you trying to say?"

"He's not you!"

The raging of fire inside of him rose, "Yeah, he was nothing like me! He's worse! I had never drug someone by putting sleeping pills in her drink!"

"Because you're the worst! You made up fake stories about him! Why?! He did nothing to you!"

"Made up?" He laughed unbelievingly, "The bartender saw it. The staff there saw him dragging you into a private room. And I saw him. Naked. He might have done it to you if I didn't make it there in time."

She laughed, purposely wiping her fake tears on her eye, "Stop it, Jack. Your story only makes you sound like a fool."

She walked away. She was tired os hearing his nonsense story. If she stayed there a little longer, her ears might bleed. She might blow up because of the blood rushing in her body.

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