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She never thought she would be this happy.


"Why? You'd rather stare at her like a creepy pervert old man the whole time, than telling a simple confession?" The shaggy brown haired male said.

"Easier said than done," his icy blue eyes glared at the person beside him, "you were like this too," he smirked.

His hand landed on his best friend's back, smacking him hardly.

"Ouch!!" His eyes widened, "Hiccup!! What the heck was that for?! I was saying the truth!!

He rubbed his sore back, "You were too chicken to ask Astrid out..." He mumbled, loud enough for Hiccup to hear.

"Well, at least I TRIED." He said, emphasizing the word 'tried'.

"But what if she rejected me?" He palmed his face, sighing.

Hiccup shuddered his shoulder, "You don't know unless you tried. Oh look, that's Astrid," he pointed to where Astrid was walking.

"Ooohhhh, and look who's there.... your dreaaammm girl...." he shaked Jack who was still palming, his head on his bended knees.

Jack's head quickly straightened up. His eyes wildly wandered searching for the girl.

"Let's go!" Hiccup pulled him to where Astrid is, grinning.

"Hey, w-wait, my hair, I need to-"

"Hey, guys!" He greeted the girls while pulling Jack to his side,who was behind him, fixing his hair.

"H-Hey, guys!" He said while pinching Hiccup.

"Hey!" Astrid and Elsa answered in unison.

"What's up?" Astrid asked, eyebrows lifted.

"Elsa, can I steal her? We're going somewhere special!"

"Really?" Astrid asked, "To where?"

"It's a secret. Bye!" He pulled Astrid away, leaving Jack and Elsa alone. Before he walked out of the school gate, he turned around, winking at Jack.

Jack eyed him as a sign, 'I'll kill you!'

"Shall we go home now?" Elsa asked, gaining his attention.

"S-Sure, let's go."

They walked home together side to side, chatting and laughing all the way home. As soon as they arrived at her home, his phone beeped, notifying a message.

Hiccup: Hang out tonight, at Flynn's. Wanna come over? Ask Elsa too. 😉 There's Astrid too.

He turned to face Elsa, "Do you want to hang out tonight? At Flynn's house. There are the girls too!" He tried to reason her.

"Ummm, sure!"

"Cool, I'll pick you tonight!"

"Okay! I'll get in now, bye!"

"Bye!" He waited till she got into her house and walked away.

His smiled crossed his face from ear to ear, knowing that he would see her again tonight.

'If only it could be like this everyday...' he sighed.

He replied the message.

Jack: Sure. And she agreed! 😆

Hiccup: Cool. 👍

Hiccup on the other side had another idea. He knew that he had to set this two up. He grinned, he had to make this happen.

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