Romar's Princess (Tom Riddle) 1

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Tom's POV

I was standing there in an opening in the middle of the forest, waiting for King Malthenniel. He was the king of Romar. He had offered to help me with my 'plans.' Of course, there was a price though. And that was to, of course, leave the place of Romar alone. To just let it be. But that hadn't bothered me one bit though. Yes, they were stupid muggles. But, they knew of magic. Considering it was magic that was hiding them from the rest of the world.

Only magical people knew of the city of Romar. This place was like an elvish fairytale. Everything was all natural here. No electricity or anything of the sort. Quite disgusting if you ask me.

Romar was quite beautiful though. It had many waterfalls. One huge one, that I can't remember the name of, and some smaller ones. It had strawberry patches and other things of that nature. And there was a huge lake, that I've also failed to remember the name of, somewhere by the castle.

But I wasn't here to take in the beautiful scenery of this place. No, I was here for business, and I was about to get impatient. Me and my people have been standing here for five minutes, and with this business you better be on time.

I was so annoyed that I was, sadly, about to be the destruction of this beautiful place, until I saw her.

A girl peeked out from behind a big oak tree on the other side of the clearing. The first thing I noticed about her was the huge, playful smile on her face. Even from this distance it was clear. Then she stepped all the way out from behind the tree. I noticed everyones wands came shooting her way. But they didn't do anything, until they saw danger. But danger never came.

She was a bit short, maybe around 5'3 or 5'4. She had long, straight black hair that almost reached her waist. She had a halo on her head made of twigs and leaves. She had pale looking skin, but it had an almost unnatural, beautiful, soft glow to it. She was wearing a white cotton dress that went up to a bit above her knees. The dress hugged her torso, but didn't look like it was crushing her, and loosened more when it got to her waist. And she had on whitish shoes that looked like they'd be flats.

She started walking towards me, still smiling, and I knew everyone clutched there wands harder, but still held back. I kept my face expressionless, but never taking my eyes off of her. Yes, she was quite beautiful, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, but I wasn't here for that.

I felt my breathe hitch in my throat. As she got nearer, I could see her eyes. They were a pale blue, and they seemed to shine like no other. As if she had silver specks floating around in them.

She stopped in front of me, and with a some how angelic, yet playful voice, said, "Mr. Riddle?"

I cursed myself as my knees almost gave way.

"Yes?" I said, keeping a straight face.

"May I talk to you, alone?" She held out her hand for me to take.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I heard some idiot behind me say.

"Oh.." She said, dropping her had and looking behind me to whomever had spoken. She looked a bit dissapointed.

"Of course you can." I said, not bothering to acknowledge the fool that had spoken.

The girl looked at me surprised, as I was, but then smiled and held out her hand once again.

"But, my Lord-" I cut the idiot off by sending him a death glare, making him back away and bow his head. How dare he try to tell me what to do!

I turned back towards the girl in front of me, who now had a confused look on her face. But then she looked back up at me and gave a small smile.

I took her still outstreched hand and immediatly noticed how warm and soft it was comparred to how cold and hard mine was.

She was still smiling at me when she turned around and started to walk back to the tree which she was previously behind. She stopped just in front of it, still in view of the people I was here with, but my back was turned to them.

She turned around to face me, and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad when she dropped my hand.

"Mr. Riddle-" She began, but I cut her off.

"Tom. Call me Tom." What was I saying? No one outside of hogwarts and few others called me Tom.

She smiled. "Tom," I liked the way she said my name accually," my name is Vanlanthiriel. My father sent me here to make shure that everything is going to go as planned. You know, no surprises." She said.

"Who's your father?" I asked.

"King Malthenniel."

Didn't expect that. But I didn't show the surprise.

"And he was willing to risk your life to make sure his was in safe keeping? I could easily kill you right now." I said and smirked.


I saw fear and confusion wash through her face. She looked down at her hands, which were now shaking and fiddleing with each other. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't think of anything to say. Now I regretted saying that to her.

"Well, I can't say I'm sorry about that. And no need to fear, I'm not going to kill you or anything. It would be a waist to see such a pretty face, lifeless." I said and smiled when she looked back up at me with now very, very, adorable, light colored, pink cheeks.

She giggled sweetly, the sound of music.

"Well, I can promise you that there will be no surprises. You have my word." I said.

"Pinky promise?" She giggled and held out her pinky. I was a bit surprised, I've never done this before.

It took me a minute, but I eventually took her pinky with mine and said, "I pinky promise."

She giggled, again, and said, "Good."

Then she dropped our interwind pinkies and turned around. She started to walk away when I grabbed her arm, "Where are you going?" I asked, surprising myself again. But I didn't want her to leave.

She giggle, wow she likes to giggle. "To get my father, of course, silly." She said.

I couldn't help the sly smile that came to my face then. I let go over her arm and she walked away, making me immidiatly miss her, and hoping that no one else just saw that.

Romar's Princess (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now