Romar's Princess (Tom Riddle) 15

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"Vanlanthirel, darling what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm just hungry." She said as she turned around to face me with a plate of what looked to be a funny looking salad.

"You're always hungry." She was so cute that I couldn't help but to smile.

"I can't help it!"

I inched my way closer and closer to her until I was able to put my hand on the back of her head and kiss her forehead. "Oh I know it darling."

"Then don't make fun of me." she huffed.

"I'm not making fun of you!" I said/yelled as I defended myself.

"Yes you are. You're making fun of how much I eat!"

I sat down on one of the stools that were in front of the counter. It felt great to not have to wear that suit anymore. What made me want to wear it in the first place, I'll never know. "Darling, calm down. Don't get upset with me." I said as I brought her even closer to me.

"I'm not." Her lips were poking out and she was looking down, almost as if she were a child that just got in trouble.



"Good darling."

I made her look at me and I kissed her slowly. A sweet kiss. One that made me tingle all over. A kiss that could quickly turn into more if I didn't stop, and now.

"Besides," I was saying as I pulled away, "if you get upset, then so does our little one."

I slowly bent down and placed a kiss on her little baby bump.


A knock on my door finally awoke me. I had actually fallen asleep sitting up in my chair. Looking around, I realized I must have fallen asleep looking through the book.

Looking through it had been terrible. There must be thousands of pages in here, and the print was small. I at least started closer to the back. Vanlanthirel is young. Her name was put in there maybe sixteen years ago, when she was born. I'm not sure, since I do not know just how old she is.

Another knock on the door and someone saying, "My Lord?" brought me back from my thoughts.

"What is it?" I said as I threw the door open.

"The king wanted me to come check on you. He said he hasn't seen you all day, and now it's time for dinner and you still haven't shown."

"Well maybe I've just been busy. And since when do you start taking orders from the king?" I said as I looked down at Stephon, I think his name is. He was a caramel colour, with a well defined face and dark brown eyes. His hair was always neat and combed back. A bit like mine, now that I notice it.

"I don't, my Lord. He wasn't the only one that had mentioned it. I offered to come and see what was keeping you."

One thing that bothered me about the way he spoke to me was that he hardly seemed scared of me. His face was almost always unemotional, almost. I've seen him scared before. So if he was trying to fool me, then so much for that.

"Well, we don't want to keep them waiting, now do we?"


Seeing Vanlanthirel sitting at the long dinner table made me remember the dream I was having earlier. With her small swollen belly.

I could hardly stand it. With the king constantly asking me what I've been up to all day and me hardly being able to keep my eyes off of his daughter.

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