Romar's Princess (Tom Riddle) 4

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Okay! So I had added more to chapter three! Go read it! And please tell me what you think. It discourages me when noone will tell me!






Tom’s POV

I woke up with my arm around something very soft, and there was a sweet, earthy scent filling my nose. I pulled it closer, loving the feel and smell of whatever it is.

I opened my eyes to see that my arm was around Vanlanthiriel’s waist, and my face buried in her neck. Her back was pressed to my chest, and I remembered the events that happened last night.

From the side of her face that I saw, her lip was turned upwards, as if she had a natural smile on her face.

Well, I’ve never really seen anything but a smile in her face.

Then I realized exactly what I was doing. I snapped back away from her quickly, taking my arm that was resting around her waist with me. What in the bloody hell was I doing?

She didn’t even stir when I got up from the bed to bathe and put my suit on. Before I left, I couldn’t help but look back at the sleeping beauty on my bed. She looked so peaceful, so innocent..

But I knew she wasn’t. Just from why she came in my room for last night proved it so. Well, her father did tell her to.. But she probably didn’t mind much. She’s probably done it loads of times before.

That thought made me angry for a moment, and I didn’t like it all. Brushing it off, I went to the bathroom to bathe.


When I came back in the room, I hoped that Vanlanthiriel was already gone. But, she wasn’t. She sat there on the edge of the bed, now wearing her dress and my shirt neatly folded on the bed beside her.

When she noticed me she turned to me and smiled.

“Hi, Tom!” She said happily.

“Hello,” I replied.

I just wish she’d leave, I thought to myself.

I came to her and sat beside her on the bed. It was silent for a moment before she spoke, “Tom, thanks for last night. It really means a lot to me. You didn’t have to do it, but you did. So now I owe you.”

I looked over at her and she was smiling at me.

Time to show her how I really am, maybe then she’ll leave me alone, I thought.

I gave her my best sly smile and replied in the bone chilling voice that I knew I possessed, “Yes. Yes you do.”

She just looked at me in confusion for a minute.

But then she smiled at me and said, “Okay! I have to go now, but I’ll see you later!”

And then she did something that no ones ever done to me before. She leaned over and pressed her soft, warm, pink lips to my cheek.

Then she giggled, got up and walked out of the room. Leaving me sitting there, frozen to the spot, wondering what just happened and why the tingles won’t seem to go away.


Oh, and I'm thinking of doing a werewolf story, but I have several ideas, so I'll be posting those ideas on my works, and which ever one people want the most, is the one I'll be doing first!

Its under Which Werewolf Story Do you Want? And theres three descriptions under there already, so pleaseeee tell me what you want and what you think! And pleaseee tell peole about my stories, I'm new and would realllly appriciate it! Thank youuuu!


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