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Sarah's POV

I dropped the last of my boxes on the floor by the couch in my small, one bedroom apartment in Washington, DC, glad I'd already pushed my parents and friends out and sent them home so I could finish up. I loved them dearly, but it was time for me to finish things up on my own now.

I looked around the room in satisfaction; the big stuff had already been unpacked and set up so there was only this stack of boxes left for me to deal with. I'd been bringing stuff in during my free time over the past two weeks to give myself time to get to know the area - and so I wouldn't feel so rushed on my first day of work.

Most of the tenants in my building were also Shield agents like myself. I'd met a couple of them last weekend while we were moving the bulk of my personal effects in and they seemed nice. Kate, who lived on the opposite side of the hall from me, and I hit it off right away and planned to go running before work tomorrow.

Deciding I was done unpacking for now, I'd better go get groceries. I'd just barely managed to talk my mom out of doing it for me - even though I knew she really wanted to - because I wanted to do this for myself. Besides, the small grocery store was only a couple blocks away and I needed some fresh air after all the unpacking I'd done today.

Slipping my keys, phone and wallet in my pockets, I walked out my door and locked it before turning to go down the stairs. I didn't see the man kneeling in the hallway until I tripped over him, doing a front aerial flip to land back on my feet and facing him. The man stood fluidly, raising his hands in front of him defensively but quickly lowering them when he realized I hadn't intentionally attacked him; I assumed he was a Shield agent from his quick defensive response.

I had to lean my head back to see all of him when he straightened to his full height - he was tall, too - not towering over me, but probably at least 6' 5". He was handsome and blonde, hair cropped short and parted, combed over neatly in a style that wasn't usually seen in men his age; I assumed he was a little older than me, maybe mid 20's.

My eyes widened as I took in his impressive physique - which was certainly nothing to sniff at - appreciating the way his too tight Under Armor shirt clung to the muscles of his well-defined torso like a second skin. He was wearing sweatpants but I was certain his legs were just as toned.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" His cobalt blue eyes swept over me in concern. "I'm so sorry - dropped my keys..."

"No, I'm sorry - I tripped - I just didn't see you there. Are you okay? I think I kicked you pretty hard," I babbled, watching as he shook his head like he was clearing it before blinking a couple times. I gave him a moment to pull himself together before I put my hand out, smiling and stepping closer. "I'm Sarah Evans, by the way. I just moved in next door."

"Steve Rogers." He returned my smile as he took my hand and clasped it firmly. "I'm fine, thank you. Nice to meet you, Miss Evans."

I grinned at his use of the old-fashioned honorific. "Sarah's fine, please."

I didn't move to take my hand back since he hadn't loosened his grip on it yet. He had large, warm, strong, hands with long fingers that curled all the way around my much smaller hand; it was unexpectedly pleasant, feeling small and dainty.

Now that I was standing closer to Steve, I could smell his cologne; I took a deeper breath, considering it - masculine, a hint of spice, not overly strong. It suited him and it wasn't overwhelming; if I wasn't standing close to him, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. It was a pleasant change since most guys his age drenched themselves in the stuff, giving me a headache and in general making it hard to breathe.

*       *      *

Steve's POV

I fumbled my keys as I opened my door and dropped them on the hallway floor between my door and the neighboring one; sighing, I knelt down to pick them up. Today was just not my day.

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