Dr Banner, I presume?

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Sarah's POV

I paused before taking the wraps off my arms. I was pretty sure it was going to be a negative, but I still had to ask. "Well, Captain, wanna go a couple rounds? I'm good and warmed up now."

Steve shook his head. "We're out of time for now; maybe another day. Go get cleaned up and you're supposed to meet with Bruce in 20 minutes."

I nodded, grabbed my gear, and walked back to the locker room to strip down and look at myself in the mirror. My ribs had taken the worst of it and were now lightly speckled with red marks that would become bruises later; nothing serious. I showered quickly, washing off the worst of the sweat using the wall mounted soap dispensers. Not my favorite, but it'd do for now. 

I got out and dried off, wrapping my hair in a towel before going to pull on my damp sports bra and underwear - no way I was going commando in my catsuit. I made a mental note to bring some underclothes to keep in my locker for days like today. My tank top and capris were soaked, so I bundled them up and threw them in my locker. After a couple extra squirts of body spray, and a judicious reapplication of deodorant, I rolled my catsuit back on, tucking in the pile of weapons Natasha had grabbed for me while I was getting cleaning up.

I was just pulling on my boots when Natasha came back in to get me. I left my hair hang loose down my back so it could dry. Wet, it easily reached the middle of my back. I glanced in the mirror to make sure I was presentable and shut my locker on the way out.

"You did well today, Evans. It's been a while since someone has knocked me on my back."

"Thanks, Agent Romanoff; you can call me Sarah, though." She nodded acceptance. "It was nice to let loose. I usually don't get to spar for that long unless I'm in the holo-trainer."

"So what's up with you and Rogers?"

"I plead the fifth! You gotta talk to him." I raised my hands defensively.

"Oh, trust me, I will." Her grin was hardly reassuring. "I can't wait to hear this one."

I groaned. "This must be what having a sister is like. Not that I would know, but this is what I assume it's like."

Natasha laughed quietly, "I like you." She swiped her key-card at a pad by a reinforced glass door. The door slid open and I followed her in. Dr. Banner looked at up from his work and waved us over.

"Good afternoon, Natasha, Agent Evans."

"Sarah's fine, Dr. Banner."

"Please call me Bruce then, Sarah. Fury wants a full lab panel on you before you begin active duty. Anything special we should know about?"

"It's all in my file." 

"Which is quite substantial considering your relative age."

"Thanks, I think. You were the only one I thought would actually read it, you know. Which arm do want, Bruce?" I took the seat he gestured me towards and I unzipped the front of my suit so I could pull my arms out. He flushed and turned away as soon as he realized what I was doing, opening a drawer to gather supplies from.

"Your non-dominant arm is preferable."

I considered that for a moment. I was totally ambidextrous, but I used be right handed as a kid, so I pulled out my left arm for him. Bruce hesitated, so I said, "I can draw myself if you prefer, Bruce." I said as I smiled at him. "It's fine either way."

I wasn't sure what was bothering him. It's not like I was naked or anything; all the important parts were covered. Beside me, Natasha had opened a computer screen and was filling in basic information on me.

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