Worth It

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Sarah's POV

Jace came in a minute later and handed me a Coke. "Have you seen Kate lately?"

I shook my head. "I think she's on vacation right now. Have you called her?"

She was really on an Op in Europe, but he didn't need to know that. He raised an eyebrow at the lie, but let it go. I forgot he always knew when I wasn't telling him the whole truth, even if it fooled everyone else.

"No. We've texted a bit, but I've been kind of busy lately with school. You, Steve, Natalia and my parents are the only people I talk to outside of school and that's only when I have time."

"Do you like it there?"

"I do. I wasn't sure about it at first, but this is what I was meant to do. All that stuff I learned with you, it all fits now why you pushed me to learn it. It wasn't just because you were learning it, was it?"

"Yes and no. I was learning it, but after looking into things more when I joined Shield, it made sense to start teaching you, too. You've always been good at languages and you're a natural athlete. You can't tell me you didn't mind being ahead of some of your class."

"I don't mind at all. Makes it easier to learn other things. I'm still getting used to the name, though. I think I finally have a decent signature down."

"Jace sounds like it's short for Jason, more like a nickname. Do people call you Jason or Jace?"

"Depends. Close friends, Jace. Everyone else usually sticks with Jason or Cadet Knight."

"Agent Knight sounds good, though. What did your brothers say about it?"

"They have about a thousand Batman nicknames for me since I haven't been home to beat it out of them," he said dryly, giving me my favorite crooked grin.

I laughed quietly. "They miss you. They called me last weekend and wanted to talk to Steve," I grinned, taking a drink of my pop.

"Did you let them? Please tell me you did or they're going to bug me forever to give them his number."

"No, he wasn't home. He's been gone pretty much all of the last month, and I've been gone for about a week, too. I just got back from South America last night."

"How are you doing with that?" He looked at me intently, taking my hand in his. "Do you still have nightmares?"

"I've been taking more naps," I hedged, not wanting to answer him, but linking fingers with him.

"So yes. Sarah, isn't there anyone you can trust to stay with you? What about Sam?"

"I know he would if I asked him, but I haven't asked."

"Why not? What about Clint? It seems like you two are pretty close now."

"I spent the last week with him undercover, so yes, I could ask him the next time Steve has to be gone for a while. Nat would understand."

"Promise me you'll ask either someone to stay with you."

"I will."

"Promise, Sarah." He squeezed my hand. "And you should tell Steve about them if you haven't already."

"I promise. Steve already knows about them. I had one the night he stayed over after I got shot. I wasn't touching him when I fell asleep."

"Are they still as bad?" He ran his thumb over my knuckles, watching my face.

"No, I don't think so. Different things show up now, like today's surgery - yup, totally gonna see that again another night."

"I can't believe he had to be awake for that," Jace said with a shudder.

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