Grilling out

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Sarah's POV
We pulled in to Tony's drive and parked the bike, heading up the steps to the house. Everyone else was there already, lounging on the back lawn and drinking. I went over to Tony first and gave him a hug while Steve stopped to talk to Natasha and Clint.

    "Hey, Tony! We're here."

    He kissed my cheek and smiled. "Hi kitten, thought you weren't coming until later?"

    "Is that what you've settled on for the moment? Kitten?" I laughed as he grinned. "Why kitten?"

    "You don't like it? I can find something else, okay pumpkin?"

    I grimaced. "I'll answer to kitten if you're going to move on to food names, okay Papi?"

    "Papi?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow imperiously.

    "It's what my friends and I call each others parents. We used to spend so much time at each others houses that their parents have become like my own as well."

    "I like it. So did you you go the parade then?"

    "I didn't think through my plan to take Captain America to an Independence Day parade. We left when people were starting to focus on us instead of the parade."

    "Sorry, kid. That's just how the cookie crumbles. You get used to that kind of thing after a while. So I should expect to see your pictures in the tabloids again next week?"

    I sighed. "Probably." I thought back to the conversation we'd had right after I'd found out he was my biological father.


    "So, Tony, what should I call you?

    "I think it depends on what we decide about letting the public know about you." He leaned back in his chair and studied me for a moment. "The moment the press finds out, you will never have a minute to yourself again. Your face will be on the cover of every magazine and every newspaper for the next six months as people analyze your every move. Top that off with your relationship with Steve and you're the hottest thing since sliced bread."

    "I was hoping that wasn't going to be the case because that would mean the end of me being a field agent. That much publicity would make it impossible for me to work effectively with the team. I like going under cover. It's exciting; it's an adrenaline rush – and I'm really good at it."

    "Then we wait until you're ready. Until then, you just keep calling me Tony. Pepper knows, the team knows, your parents know, as do Maria and Fury. Beyond that, I don't see that we need to inform the general public before you turn 21."

    "Is that going to blow up in our faces when they learn that?"

    "They might try, but any statement made will mention the contract that we all signed stating that there was to be no early disclosure to you. It's filed with the courts and signed by the judge who endorsed the adoption. Nothing anyone could do about it without getting slapped with a hefty lawsuit with any and all charges my teams of lawyers could come up with."

    "Are you okay with waiting to make it all official? I wouldn't mind spending some time with you to get to know you better, not just your public persona or the Shield Stark."

    "I'd like that, Sarah. If you can make the time for it, I'd also like you to spend some time with Pepper learning about Stark Industries and how it operates. It's entirely likely you'll inherit it someday."

    "You and Pepper could still have other kids. They would definitely be more suited to doing that kind of stuff with a mom like Pepper."

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