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Sarah's POV

"Bring me back something good," said Tony with a smile as he shooed us from the room.

We walked over to the elevator and I leaned on the wall as Natasha gave it our destination. She linked her arm with mine and we walked to the cafeteria.

"You sit and I'll bring you something. You look like you're ready to keel over."

I didn't protest as she led me to a chair. I sank into it and put my head in my hands. I felt a little shaky and my pulse was a little faster than normal. I got a couple of strange glances, but the cafeteria wasn't very busy right now.

"You owe me dinner from my first week still," I replied.

I heard her laugh as she walked away. I looked up again when I smelt peppers. Looks like it was Mexican tonight. I moved my arms out of the way and she slid the tray in front of me. I opened the bottle of orange juice and took a long drink. I set it down to find Natasha looking at me closely.

"So how was Brazil?"

I laughed and picked up my tortilla to take a bite. I chewed slowly and washed it down with a drink of water. "Brazil was...interesting. I can't say I like using that kind of cover, though. I'm not good at being the weak and helpless female. There were a couple of players who wondered where you were, though. We fed them some cock and bull story about you being mad at Clint for taking up with me."

"How do you know I'm not? I've been told I'm pretty feisty even for a redhead."

I laughed. "If that was the case, I'm sure the bags you packed for us would've had slightly different contents. Do you really wear those for pajamas?"

"What are pajamas?" she deadpanned.

"God, Nat! I about had a heart attack once I figured out what those things were."

She laughed for a long moment as I took another couple bites. She almost stopped but then something would set her off again. Finally, she wiped tears from her eyes and held her stomach. "Oh, Sarah, I've missed you. What I wouldn't give to have seen your face that night!"

"I would've throttled you that night." I waved my fork at her menacingly. "Today, not so much. I decided that Steve would probably like them."

She roller her eyes at me. "He's male; of course he'll like them. Clint said you put on pretty convincing performances; Hunter said you're hot and Bobbi punched him - again."

"Hunter saw me naked the second day. We had adjoining rooms and the door didn't latch well."

"Ahh...that makes much more sense now. Were you okay with Clint? He said he tried not to do anything uncalled for."

"I couldn't have done it without him; that took a lot of trust for both of us. It seemed that we did the minimum necessary to achieve the purposes. I mostly just sat on his lap, touched him probably more than was needed, and pretended to adore him like a brainless ditz. He didn't seem to mind," I shrugged and continued eating. The cafeteria's fajitas were surprisingly good.

"Good girl. He said everyone bought act, so you did well there. Clint was concerned that you would be upset by the situation."

"I was more nervous than anything. I really didn't know what to expect or what I was supposed to do. Your file helped - some - and Bobbi let me know I was doing it right, but most of it was over my head."

"Sorry," she winced.

"It's okay, Nat. It's probably good that I went; all the other women there were my age or a year or two older. I know that you could've done it, but Clint also said that after New York you're a little too recognizable anymore."

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