Round Two?

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Sarah's POV
"All right, Sam, let's see what you got," said Natasha, moving so he could get on. I could see how excited he was to ride with her. I couldn't tell if he blushing or not, but I figured he probably was; Natasha was looking pretty hot today.

    "Sweet!" Sam climbed on, leaving Jace stag.

    "Tony, is Kate here yet?" I called, realizing she hadn't shown up yet. "I told Jarvis she was coming a while ago."

    "I'll check with Jarvis. Hold on."

    "Pepper, are you sure you don't want to try again?" Jace called out, "I need you for balance."

    "Nope, I like dry land just fine. Sorry Jace, I've seen you drive and I can honestly say that Tony wasn't the most reckless one out there for once."

    We laughed at that and waved the others off to go dink around while they waited for us to be ready.

    "Jarvis said she's changing and then she'll be down," Tony said.

    "Great! Rhodey, if you want to come back to get me, I'm going to go show her the way."

    "Sure. Is she cute?"

    "Yup. Single too." I dropped my wet life jacket on the dock and ran up to the house.

    "Jarvis, where's Kate?" I asked as I came inside.

She is just coming down the stairs, Sarah.

    "Perfect, I'll go to her." I walked over to the stairway to see the blond coming down the last few steps. "Kate - perfect timing. Bruce, Tony and Pepper chickened out, so we need you ASAP."

    "What is it that we're doing that you need another girl?" Kate said, looping her arm through mine and letting me lead her to the door.

    "Water wars. Each jet ski has to have a guy and a girl to win. One person ones are too hard to tip and two guys are always too heavy, so they whine when they lose. Do you need sunscreen? It's pretty bright out on the water."

    "Yes, I burn easy otherwise. You tip them?"

    "You'll see. It's fun. Are we telling everyone your cover? I think Natasha, Maria and I are the only ones who know you're really with Shield."

    "That's the plan."

I sprayed her with sunscreen and led her down to the life jackets. "You're riding with my best friend Jace Barnes. He won the last round, so you have the advantage there."

    "Barnes?" She looked at me quizzically. "As in Bucky Barnes?"

I grinned in return. "Yup. Same family, believe it or not. He can tell you about it."

    We found her one to fit and walked out on the dock. Jace and Rhodey came over when they saw us standing there. I put back on my still wet life jacket and zipped it up.

    "Jace, this is my neighbor, Kate. She finally got done with her family stuff so she could come play with us. Kate, this is Jace."

    "Hi Kate. Hop on." He flashed her a wide grin, patting the seat behind him.

"You didn't tell me he was cute," Kate murmured, giving me a wink. I laughed and pushed her towards him.

    "See you out there." I hopped on behind Rhodey and wrapped my arms around him. "On a scale of Pepper to Natasha, how aggressive are you on these things, Rhodey?"

    "I started in the Air Force as a pilot, Sarah."

    "We'll do fine then."

    Finally we were all out on the water. "Everyone, say hi to my neighbor Kate. This was as soon as she could make it here."

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