I need you

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Sarah's POV

"Fancy meeting you here!" I teased him, making him smile. "Steve, we need to put you on the table now. If you want, I can pick you up so they can get the board under you. Otherwise they'll need to roll you since you weigh too much to just slide the sheet over."

"I'd rather you picked me up, Sarah."

"Okay, but no helping; you have to relax, Steve."

A nurse pulled off the covers, leaving him in just his hospital gown. I positioned myself to best take his weight without jolting him,  picking him up and taking the two steps to the operating table after they moved the bed out of my way. I was aware of the number of shocked looks I received; there's no way a 135 pound woman should be able to easily lift a 220 pound man.

I laid him gently on the table, backing away so a tech could cover him with sterile cloths and remove his gown. I pulled on a set of gloves as I stood next to his head, watching them peel off his bandages and start to sterilize his skin as best they could.

"Steve, this is Dr Q," I said. "He'll let you know how to lay when they're done prepping you."

"Hello, Captain Rogers," the doctor said. "It is a pleasure to meet you and be of assistance to you. You saved my wife from harm during The Incident in May."

"Hello Doctor. I'm glad your wife's okay. Thank you for coming in today; I really appreciate it. Just tell me what it is that you want me to do, exactly. They did tell you that I would be awake the entire time?"

"Yes. Dr Banner said he has tried every known anesthetic to no avail. You metabolize them too quickly to make them effective for even a short time. I apologize in advance for everything that we will have to do."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm immune to poisons and toxins as well, but that part has come in handy more than once. Do what you have to do, Doc. I won't hold it against you," Steve said with a small smile.

The staff indicated that they were ready, so the doctor looked over the trays they had ready for him and asked for a couple more tools and for an x-ray. A tech gave me a lead lined covering and I held it up as they cleared the area for the x-rays. They showed up on the screens in the room and Dr Q spent a short time looking at them before gesturing for me to come over.

"These are the two major areas that we'll be working." The doctor pointed at Steve's side and chest. "I will do this lesser one first on his side so I can gauge the Captain's response. He needs to remain still but not tense, and bring his arms up over his head."

"Okay. I'll do my best, Doctor. Don't hesitate to tell either of us what you need us to do."

"I will. Sarah, will you stand at his head for now?"

I nodded and walked back over to Steve. "We're almost ready. Can you give me your hands, Steve? The doctor would like you to have them over your head for now."

"Okay." He slowly brought his arms up and I gripped his wrists, holding them firmly. "Can I speak?"

I nodded. "For now. I don't think you have to wear the oxygen mask yet, but if your saturation levels drop, I'm making you wear it, just so you know."

"All right, Captain." Dr Q said. "If you can keep your muscles relaxed, it would be for the best."

Steve nodded and looked back up at me. "I have to say this is definitely an improvement on the last time I had surgery like this. The assistant today is pretty cute."

"If you wanted to play 'Doctor' you should've just said so, Steve." I said teasingly.

"What is 'Doctor'? Is it a game?"

Hello Captain (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now