Blast from the past

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Steve's POV

We climbed down the hatch from the Quinjet to Agent May's mobile command station, also known as 'the bus.' One of May's agents took my team to the living quarters so they could eat, get cleaned up and get some sleep until it was time to move out again. I followed May to the conference room where Skye was already waiting for us along with someone I'd never expected to see again.

"Agent Coulson? Is that really you?" I held out my hand to him, slightly surprised when he drew me into a hug. I clapped him firmly on the back. "How?"

"It's good to see you again, Captain Rogers." Phil Coulson said, finally drawing back from me. "Yes, it's really me. I'm afraid the answer to your question is classified, but I really did die for a short time on the helicarrier that day. They rushed me into surgery and somehow performed a miracle, but Director Fury wasn't sure they'd be able to save me. Long story short, I had surgery, spent some time in rehab and now I'm back in the field again."

"It's good to have you back," I said with a smile.

"It's good to be back. I take it that Agent Evans didn't inform you about my recovery?"

"No, she didn't say a word, but I've hardly seen her lately because we've been so busy. Who else knows, other than your team?"

"Agents Hill, Romanoff and Barton, possibly Stark, but we have something pressing to attend to at the moment, Captain."

"Of course, sir, my apologies."

"Have you met Skye?" Coulson asked me and I nodded.

"Hey Stevie, sorry I'm late," Skye said, rushing in with a couple computers in her arms. She set them down on the table and started opening the laptops.

"Thanks for your help earlier, Skye. Sarah's been teaching me, but I still don't know a lot about computers."

"Entirely understandably, Captain," a small young man said as he came in with some wires in his hands.

"You can't be expected to just catch up on 70 years worth of technological advances in three months, after all," a petite brunette finished for him, helping Skye and the other man set things up.

"Captain, these are the other members of my crew, Agents Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. They are our Sci-tech grads for research and development."

"Hello Captain Rogers, it's a pleasure to meet you," Fitz said, shaking my hand. "I'm engineering, she's biochem." I had no idea what that meant other than they did science stuff.

"We have something for you when you have time to stop in our lab," Simmons said, smiling at me.

I nodded and looked at Coulson and May, who only smiled. Images started popping up on the large screen on the wall and diagnostic holograms floated over a lighted table. I watched them with interest, my alarm growing with each image.

"Are these all fueled off of Tessaract technology?" I asked, sure that was what I was seeing.

"That's what we think," Simmons said, rotating an image on the screen.

"But Thor took the Tessaract with him when he took Loki back to Asgard," I said. "He needed it to get home since the Bifrost was destroyed. So what did they use to charge the fuel cells? Dr Selvig said the Tessaract was never out of his possession while he was building the wormhole device Loki used to bring the Chitauri through."

"Yes, that's why this is so baffling," Fitz said.

"Where did they find a power source that behaves so similarly to the Tessaract?" Simmons finished.

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