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Steve's POV

I never heard the shot, but I saw Sarah get hit. She'd turned slightly to avoid a vent on the roof, which had caused the bullet to go through her shoulder instead of her heart, the force of the impact knocking her down. "We've got company!" I shouted as I raced out to get her the moment I realized she wasn't moving, more shots rebounding off my shield and suit. Natasha covered me, both pistols out and emptying her magazines in the direction the shot came from.

"Evans is down," she said. "GSW, possibly unconscious. Threat neutralized."

I scooped her limp body up in my arms and dashed back to the jet, covering her with my shield as best I could and praying she wouldn't get hit again when a slug rebounded off the concrete and struck her arm.

"We're in," I said as I ran up the ramp, Natasha closing it behind me as Clint lifted off, getting us out of range of the snipers. Natasha grabbed the med pack, bringing over to where I was laying Sarah down on the floor – there wasn't anyplace else to put her.

I gently pulled off the hijab she still wore, feeling the large contusion where her head had hit. I tore the fabric of her dress to get it out of the way while Natasha opened the med pack and handed me some gauze. I wiped away the blood so we could see how bad the entry wound was; blood welled out of the wound but not like a blood vessel had been hit. I breathed a little easier seeing that because I knew there was an artery very near the wound.

We rolled Sarah on her side to look at her back to see if there was an exit wound, tearing the fabric of her dress some more. Initially, all I could see was blood and torn flesh - the back of her shoulder was a mess. I could feel the panic clawing at me, but I pushed it down. I didn't have time to deal with it right now; we needed to stabilize her. I took a couple deep breaths and started carefully wiping away the blood on her back so we could see what it actually looked like.

The bullet had exited, leaving an awful mess behind. Dark ruby red blood seeped out instantly, a lot faster than I would have liked to see. If we couldn't get the bleeding under control, Sarah could lose too much before we got back to the Triskelion.

Looks like it went all the way through," Natasha said, probing the edges. "Doesn't look great, but it doesn't look like it hit anything major." Natasha said as she put a large pad of gauze on both sides of the wound and held them firmly. I tucked the hijab under Sarah's head so it wasn't at such an odd angle. She was so pale I was starting to worry.

"Talk to me, Stark," I demanded. "Tell me you found it."

"We found it," Tony replied. "Now we need to deal with it."

"Great. Do you know how to deactivate it?"

"Still working on that," Bruce said. "It's more complicated than last time."

"We've got 3 minutes left on the timer, so we were lucky to find it when we did," Tony continued. "If nothing else, I'll make Bruce eat it."

"Not amusing, Tony," I growled.

"Kidding Capsicle - just kidding; I think we've got it disarmed, but I'm taking it with me to detonate it over open water."

"Good job, Stark, Bruce. Scan it first for Fury before you blow it up. Bruce, we're coming to pick you up. Clint will tell you specifics." I heard Clint talking to Bruce, but tuned it out. Sarah was still laying on the ramp, so I was going to have to move her again.

"Natasha, if you can hold that tight for a moment, I'm going to pick her up again. She can't stay here."

"We need to keep pressure on the wound, Steve." Natasha said. "She's already bled through the gauze on the back."

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