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Several days later
Steve's POV

I walked into Maria's office to discuss our plans for tomorrow, only to be surprised to see that Sarah was already back from her mission with Mystique and arguing with someone over the phone, still in her dirt-streaked fatigues. She gave me a warm smile as soon as she noticed me and continued talking for another minute before handing the phone back to Maria.

"Hey Steve! I'd hug you but I'm filthy. We just got back."

"It's good to have you back, Sarah," I said with a smile. "I didn't think I'd get to see you before I leave tomorrow." I paused before asking quietly, "You didn't bring her back with you, did you?"

Sarah snorted and tried not to laugh. She knew I didn't particularly care for the troublesome shapeshifter. "No, she's on her way back to the School."

"Good. Do I need to have you prove you're really you?"

She threw me an amused glance and rolled her eyes. "Ha, ha. Anyways, I wouldn't have gotten home today originally, but we lucked out and found the tunnel faster than we thought we would."

"That's good. Everyone all right?"

"Mikey wrenched his ankle when he fell through the ceiling finding the tunnel – I'm sure he'll tell you the whole story in detail - and Jake got shot in the arm. I got the bullet out and wrapped it in the Quinjet on our way back; I sent him to check in with Dr Blake."

"It'll give Kate a reason to fuss over him," I teased, making her laugh.

She pretended to hit my arm. "Are you trying to get Kate in more trouble? You know Jake's girlfriend doesn't like Kate much."

"Jake's girlfriend doesn't like anyone much – except Jake," I pointed out. I certainly didn't like her, but he already knew that.

"And you – she hits on you shamelessly when he's not around; do I need to be worried?"

"She's not my type," I said with a grin. "There's this little brunette on my floor that's a real looker. Have you seen her?" Sarah laughed quietly and rested her hand on my arm.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up and head home."

I touched her face lightly. "I'll be there shortly. I'm not quite done for the day yet."

* *

I knew I should really be sleeping, but I didn't want to miss out on any of my limited time with Sarah. We were both gone a lot lately, so I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I'd like to. She'd fallen asleep halfway through the movie and I'd shifted her so that she was laying on my chest, soaking in my body heat like a contented kitten. I stroked her long, dark hair that she'd left loose at my request, running my fingers through the silky strands and spreading it out over her back and my arm.

Sarah always looked so peaceful when she slept. I never got tired of watching her sleep, her perfectly formed lips were slightly parted and her long eyelashes brushed her tanned cheeks. I'd missed so many little things about her while she'd been gone, like her unique scent. It was a pleasant combination of her shampoo - stronger at the moment due to her slightly damp locks - and her laundry soap mingled with her perfume.

She started to stir as the movie ended and I looked down to see her golden brown eyes flutter open. She smiled slightly when her eyes focused on me.

"Ready to go to bed?"

"Mmmhmm." She closed her eyes again and brought a hand up to touch my face but didn't move to stand up. I didn't think she was really awake, though.

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