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Steve's POV

     The whole conversation with Sarah's parents went surprisingly well. I thought that Sarah still had more questions than answers, but nothing was going to change overnight. I followed her upstairs, going into the guest room to grab my sleepwear. Sarah was in her room and I could hear her talking on the phone to either Chloe or Jace, so I got into the shower, washing quickly so I'd be done by the time Sarah got off the phone. I could still hear her talking when I got out and got dressed, so I knocked on her door to tell her I was done with the shower. She opened her door and waved me in, listening to whomever was on the other end.

    "No, don't do that. I'll come get you. We can be there in 10 minutes. Just stay put, okay?"

    The other person must have agreed, because she continued. "Okay, be there in a few." She ended the call and looked up at me. "Want to go on a rescue mission? My friends are at the senior party. Jace says Chloe's drunk already and her stupid loser ex is making moves on her. She wants me to come get her."

    "Sounds easy compared to what we normally have to do. Do you know where it's at?"

    "Yup, I've got her iPhone located on my phone and Jace is staying with her. I'm going to change quick and then we can go. I'm not walking in the woods in a dress." She walked over to her closet and pulled out a t-shirt and jeans.

"I'll get the keys and my wallet." I said, closing the door behind me. I went back to my room and changed into a pair of jeans, tucking my wallet into my back pocket. I went downstairs to get my shoes on and heard Sarah coming down the steps. 

    She stopped to talk to her parents for a moment and then came to the entry and slipped her shoes on, opening the front door. "Mom said Chloe can stay here tonight."

    "That's probably best. Doesn't look like anyone's up at her place." We climbed into the Shield car and I backed out of the driveway, following Sarah's directions.

    "That way," she pointed. "No, her folks go to bed pretty early most of the time. She usually stays with me whenever we were planning on being up past 10, like when we went to the late movies."

    "So you're not a partier?"

    "I don't mind being social but it takes a lot for me to get drunk. Now that I know about the serum, that makes sense why it takes so much, but I know my limits."

"Your serum must be different than mine," I said slowly. "I can't get drunk at all. Anesthetics don't work on me, either, but they do on you?"

"Yes, it takes a lot, though, more than most doctors are comfortable with using. Turn at the stop sign, Steve." I rolled to a stop before turning, glancing over at Sarah. "Is there a drug-reversal kit in here?"

"Center console. You think someone gave here something or are you anticipating trouble?"

"Chloe drinks like a fish. I know she can handle her liquor quite well. There is no reason she should be this drunk already short of doing a lot of shots. This kind of party is generally a kegger. It's meant to be a cheap, social, celebrating kind of party."

    "I take it you have been to one before?"

    "Last year when some of Jace's buddies graduated. I was his DD, and I didn't really know anyone there so I mostly just watched. It was quite entertaining, other than getting hit on by drunk guys. I couldn't tell you how many times I've had to pretend Jace was my boyfriend to get some douche to leave me alone without knocking him out. So if they bug me tonight, I am claiming you, just so you know."

    "They can't have you, you're already mine, doll."

    "Of course. Take a left here and go to the end of the road."

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