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Steve's POV

We made our way out to where I'd parked. I opened the door for Sarah and she climbed in, settling into the seat and leaning it back. I walked around and got in, looking over at her. She'd closed her eyes and her face was tight with pain. Jarring her shoulder like that couldn't have felt very good, no matter what she'd said earlier. I headed for home; we'd been here for several hours and she should rest for a bit.

I looked over a couple minutes later to see that she was watching me with those big golden brown eyes, a slight smile on her lips when she saw me glance at her.

"Thanks for taking me out today, Steve." She laid her hand on my forearm. "It was great to get to do something different with you."

I glanced over at her and smiled. "You're welcome. I'm glad you had a good time."

"And you? Did you have a good day? It was probably a little strange to see all that unless you knew about it already."

I shrugged. "It was nice to see it from your perspective. Natasha told me that I should go check it out. I didn't know it was that big of an exhibit...I figured it was a few pictures, maybe some WWII artifacts, and something about Hydra. Nothing like that."

She laughed in disbelief. "That doesn't surprise me. You don't know the effect you have on people, do you?"

"I never really thought about it, I guess. Back then I was too busy trying to stop Hydra. I knew that some of the stuff the camera crews shot was going to be for propaganda, like my USO tour, but that wasn't why I did what I did. That wasn't why I was enhanced."

"That little girl back at the museum, you made her day, you know." I blushed but didn't respond, pretending to be absorbed by driving. "Do the kids always recognize you?"

"I guess they can see under the hat."

Her smile widened and she shook her head. "Maybe it's because they're looking for heroes. Although, if that's your idea of a disguise, I totally get why you couldn't be my pretend husband in Jahra."

I snorted at her mental leap. "Ha ha. So, Pooka? What's that about? Should I be worried about my competition?"

"Hah – no competition there! Sam's like the older brother I never had. I was 12 when I first met Sam and he was dating some Gypsy girl. At the time, I was competing in an huge invention contest. He said he was betting on me to win since I was a dark horse. She was along with that day; in her culture, a dark horse is called a pooka. I looked it up later and a pooka is usually depicted as a slightly evil fairy that takes horse form. Sam said that suited me even more since I was small, slightly evil – according to him – and could outrun him. So the nickname stuck."

"So how many times have you been shot?"

"Umm, I'll have to think about that and get back to you. How many times have you been shot?"

"Not quite apples to apples there; I spent two years on the European front - I lost count before the end of the war." I pulled into the garage at our apartment building. Sarah let herself out before I got to her door.

"Ready to show me how to run your machine? I really do need to do some laundry."

"Sure. I'll bring your basket over for you. Do you want to watch the next movie in that magic series with me?"

    "Yeah. I might even stay awake for this one."

  "I'll believe it when I see it." I grinned as I said it, taking the sting from my words because she had yet to stay awake through a movie with me.

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