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(Alek's point of view)

I sit on my bed, tying my shoelaces. I take a deep breath in and stand up. Brushing the wrinkles off my shirt. I grab my m16 and walk out the room. I make my way through the halls of the school and walk outside. I walk over near the basketball court, where the group has assembled. I see Chris standing, looking down into the freshly dug grave. I feel the tears form in my eyes, and sniff them back. He looks up at me.

    "You ready?" He asks. I nod and make my way over next to him. I look down, and see her body wrapped in a black sheet. Chris looks at me, "Want to say anything?" I clear my throat.

    "I loved you, Gabrielle. Truly, and deeply. You betrayed me and my trust. But, I will always have you in my heart. I understand this world and this life was hard on you," I felt tears start to roll down my cheek, "I'm sorry." I say to everyone. Rachel walks over and rubs my back.

    "It's okay, dear. Let it out." She sighs. I felt the tears stream. They wouldn't stop.

    "I have to go..." I turned and walked off. I found myself aimlessly walking through the halls. I had my way to a room and knocked on the door. Cj answered.

    "Hi." He cleared his throat.

    "If you want to go say your goodbyes, you can." I said. Cj and I stood there in awkward silence.

    "I already did." He finally said. I nodded.

    "I'm sorry for punching you... I just... It was like a slap in the face to have my girlfriend cheat on me with someone I loved's cousin." I admitted.

    "I understand. It wasn't to hurt you, or Rachel. It was..." He sighed, "It was just something that happened and it-"

    "Spare me the details, please." I cut him off.

    "Sorry. But, I know I'm the last person you want to talk to, but you know you can." Cj patted me on the shoulder.

    "You too. I know Gabby would've wanted us to get along, you know. She obviously cared about us both. But, I'm not gonna lie and say I don't hold resentment. It hurt. A lot."

"I understand." Cj nodded. I stood there for a moment, then nodded and walked off. I made my way to the loading dock of the cafeteria. I sat on the edge, reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"If you ever smoke, I'll kick your ass." Jade smiled as she exhaled her cigarette smoke. She was wearing a hipster sweater, a beanie, and black leggings. She was sitting in her chair on her porch. I grabbed the mixed drink beside me and took a sip.

"You don't have to worry about that. I hate the taste of cigarettes." I smirked. She chuckled.

"How can you kiss me then?" She smiled, which was contagious, as I found myself smiling back.

"That's different," I answered, "It's a different taste." I walked over and sat next to her. She turned and looked at me. I loved her. But I could never bring myself to admit it. I hated that I hurt her a lot, I never meant to. But, I'd do anything for her.

"I..." I cleared my throat. She looked at me. She had the whole universe in her eyes. So many curious questions.

"Yeah?" She asked. I swallowed spit.

"I think I'm gonna go lay down." I stood up. She put her cigarette out and stood too.

"Let's go to bed."

"You mind if I bum one?" Lisa, Jade's mom sat down next to me, bringing me out of my flashback.

    "Yeah, no problem." I handed her one and then finally lit mine. She did the same. We inhaled, then exhaled.

    "I used to smoke a lot, then quit. But, this life is hard." She sighed. I looked over at her. She looked so much like her daughter. I felt my blood run cold.

    "Lisa..." I started. She turned to me, "Your daughter... She... She's different now."

    "She's a fighter. Always has been. Territorial," She smiled, "You should've heard how she used to talk about you. Any girl that came in between you guys," She chuckled, "God. She loved you." She inhaled her smoke. I hung my head.

    "I loved her too. I was just a fucking scared little boy. She wanted what I wasn't ready for..." I leaned my head up. I turned to Lisa, "Why am I thinking about her? I'm so fucking mad. We're at war with her. And here I am, talking about her." I shook my head. Lisa leaned in.

    "Because you know you can't kill her," She whispered. She put her cigarette out and stood up, "You still care." She walked off. I was left sitting here, with my cigarette burning halfway. I nodded, putting my cigarette out. I made my way over to a car, got in. I started it, and drove off.

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