Damn Mutant Freak Attack!

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"AAAARRHHG!" I screamed as my character died a violent death on screen. I almost knocked over the expensive microphone in front of me as I threw my arms up into the air. I glared into the camera above my computer screen.
"Again? Really? Can that stupid mutant freak just piss off for ONE SECOND?!"
I played for a few more minutes, occasionally swearing and yelling at the screen, before deciding to finish up.
"Well people," I said as I stared into the camera with a cheesy grin, "I'm going to end this episode here. If you want to watch the next episode of 'Beyond The Living', stab that 'like' button as hard as you can! I will see you weirdo's in the next episode! RazorFiend OUT!!!"
With that, I switched off the camera and microphone, and shut off the paused game. I sat back in my seat and began to edit the video I just made on my laptop. As a YouTuber, gameplays are one of my favourite things to do, and even though I had only started my channel fairly recently, I had already hit almost 20K views, and over 50K subscribers with my few uploads. My real name is Ripley Reynolds, but the people of YouTube know me as RazorFiend, because of my crazy skills with knives and blades in games. I grinned to myself as I finished editing, and added a creepy looking photo and the title "Damn Mutant Freak Attack!", before hitting the upload button. Once the video had successfully uploaded to my channel, I went to the comment section of my last video. I wrote down some notes for a few interesting sounding game suggestions, and replied back to some questions and funny comments. Then I searched up some of my favourite famous game players, PewDiePie, Cry, and Jacksepticeye. I laughed along with them, and gave the videos thumbs up. I was almost in tears when I watched Jacksepticeye playing one of my favourite horror games, and seeing him freak out and swear in his adorable Irish accent. He really is hilarious. I gave a huge yawn and flopped down onto my big, springy bed, falling asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

I was woken up early in the morning to the constant ping of my phone and laptop notifications going off. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and logged into YouTube. I gasped. I already had 1K views and likes on last nights video? Holy crap! I replied to a few comments and quickly close down YouTube before I get distracted. I have to go to work this morning, and I couldn't be late again or I am going to get fired. I sighed as I quickly got dressed and rushed to work.

Work passed in a blur. The small cafe was pretty busy all day. All I wanted was to get home. Someone had commented about this really cool sounding new horror game called Into The Darkness, and I really wanted to try it out. Finally 4:00pm came around, and I grabbed my bag and rushed home as fast as my legs could carry me. I dumped my bag in the doorway and ran upstairs to my dark bedroom, quickly setting up my camera and microphone, before switching on the game. I turned on the camera and mic, and began.
"HEYLLO my weirdo's! My name is RazorFiend, and welcome to Into The Darkness!"
I talked for a couple of minutes, describing the game and thanking my followers. Then I got started. The game was amazing. You started off as a little girl getting lost at a park, and as night falls, strange creatures began to creep out from the shadows. The goal was to survive until morning. I stayed up until well past midnight, way too into the game to notice what time it was. When I finally ended the video, I was too exhausted to edit and upload it, so I just closed my laptop and fell straight asleep.
I'll do it tomorrow morning... I thought as sleep overcame me.

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