Scary Movie Teddy Bear

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I sifted through the movies until I came to two that I couldn't choose between. I hmm'd and held them both up, contemplating which would be scarier. I heard a sound behind me, and glanced over to find Jack stumbling through the doorway, his arms full of chocolates, popcorn, biscuits, coke and coffee. I laughed as he dropped everything except the coffee into the couch and carefully placed the coffee mugs on the coffee table. He smiled at me.
"I made you a coffee, but with a lot of sugar. If you like it, you can start taking away the amount of sugar until your drinking normal coffee," he explained kindly. God he was so sweet. Wait, stop it!
I held up the two DVD cases.
"So, we can either watch The Grudge, or this one, The Hallow," I said, lifting each disc up. Jack raised an eyebrow at me.
"Horror? Really?" He whined. I grinned.
"Come on, I've never seen The Hallow before, and The Grudge is freaky as all hell! Which one?"
Jack groaned and tapped the DVD in my left hand.
"The Hallow. At least you won't be expecting the scary parts," he muttered. I grinned again and ran towards the DVD player.

Jack turned the lamp off and closed the curtains, creating an even creepier atmosphere. I curled up on the couch with my coffee and a packet of m&ms. Jack sat next to me and crossed his legs beneath him on the couch, balancing his own coffee mug on the armrest and a pack of Reese's Pieces between his legs. I smiled excitedly as the movie began playing on the wide flat screen tv mounted on the wall. The creepy music began playing through the surround sound speakers, sending a very welcome chill down my spine. I glanced over at Jack, who had a slightly creeped out expression in his face. I fraught to keep the giggles down, and focused on the screen.

Jack's popcorn and candy wrappers scattered all over me as he jumped about a foot off the couch. I laughed as the creatures on screen began attacking the poor family's car, tearing it to shreds to reach the fae baby inside. Jack scowled and settled back onto the couch again, throwing the rubbish onto the floor and curling up with his arms around his knees. I smiled.
"You okay Jackie?" I pouted mockingly. Jack narrowed his eyes, but couldn't help but chuckle.
"Shut up, I wasn't ready," he mumbled. I giggled at his excuses, and squeaked as two hands suddenly grabbed me and pulled me towards the other end of the couch. I got a glimpse of the on-screen attack, and then turned my attention to Jack, who had his arms around me, his face nestling into my hair. I raised an eyebrow, fighting to keep myself from blushing.
"J-Jack? You okay there buddy?" I asked in a joking tone. Jack snorted.
"Your fault for picking a horror movie," he blamed. I giggled as his breath tickled the back of my neck.
"So are you going to let me up or..?" I asked, hoping he would say no.
"Nah, I'm feeling a lot safer now, and I like having a teddy bear, so get comfy," he decided. I snorted and shook my head, wriggling to get more comfortable. As thin as Jack seemed, he was actually pretty muscly and solid, so I didn't have to worry about bones digging into me. I finally managed to get myself into a position where I was curled up into Jack's side, my head resting on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close, and he rested his own head on top on mine. I smiled gently, and focused back on the screen, ignoring the fluttering in my chest, and the warm blush that spread across my cheeks.

I opened my eyes, blinking in the darkness. I raised my head slightly, just enough to be able to rub my eyes tiredly. I was laying on my stomach with my arms wrapped around something solid, my head resting on the same thing. I blinked again. It was Jack! I was laying beside him on the couch, my arms wrapped around his stomach and my head on his chest. He had his own arms around me, and seemed to be fast asleep. I noticed that the clock on the wall said 10pm, and the tv was a black screen, movie over. I managed to slip out of Jack's arms, blushing furiously, and grab my shoes and backpack. Just as I was about to open the front door, I heard a thud from behind me.
I let a grin creep onto my face as I turned to see a leg sticking out from behind the couch. On the floor.
Jack's  face pooped up, his bright green hair messy and flattened at the back. He blinked at me.
"Hey, don't leave this late by yourself! It's dark!" He pointed out. I sighed.
"I didn't mean to stay this late, we both fell asleep! I've got to get home, I don't have a car. It only takes about 15 minutes to walk though," I replied. Jack shook his head, still sleepy.
"No no no," he mumbled. "I will drive you. Or, you could stay here if you wanted?" He suggested softly. Was he... blushing?
I shook my head kindly.
"I've really got to get home. Thanks so much for the offer though!" I replied gratefully. Jack grabbed his keys off the little hallway table and walked over to me, his bright blue eyes determined.
"Nope. I'll drive you. I don't want you alone out there," he said sternly, carefully steering me towards the garage.

The drive home took about 5 or 6 minutes. We spent the entire ride talking about the gameplay. We agreed to catch up again sometime during the week. My driveway appeared way too quickly. I unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Jack," I said softly. "Thank you so much for today. For the coffee, the gameplay, the movie, everything. It was awesome."
Jack smiled at me, dimples forming in his cheeks as he did.
"No Ripley, thank you. Get some sleep now, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
With that, he leaned over the seat and gently pressed his lips to my cheek. I stuttered as he grinned at me and drove off.
"See ya Ripley!" He called out as he drove away. I let out a small rush of breath and grinned.
God help me, that little leprechaun was going to be the death of me.

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