The Real Nightmares Begin

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I woke up with a pounding headache, a scream still reverberating throughout the air as I sat up, drenched in sweat. I felt Jack's arms tighten around me as he bolted up, quickly pulling me close as I sobbed into my hands.
"Shhh, it's okay, it was just a dream," he comforted worriedly. I shuddered as the sobbing slowed. I couldn't let Jack see me like this.
"O-okay, I'm f-fine. I just h-had a nightm-mare," I mumbled quietly, scrubbing the tears from my eyes in embarrassment. Jack tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed the single tear that escaped my eye.
"It's alright, I won't let anything happen to you from those dreams, okay?" He promised. I gave him a tired half smile. I noticed Ken and Wade starting to waking up, and I tugged myself out of Jack's embrace, not noticing the flash of hurt cross his face, too intent on escaping to the bathroom to clean myself up before anyone else saw me.
I took a long, hot shower, and washed my hair three times. For some reason I felt like the cleaner I was, the less that comment yesterday would affect me. I eventually got out of the steamy shower, and towelled myself off, taking a few minutes to breathe and compose myself.
That nightmare, everyone had terrifying faces, and they were all reaching out towards me with elongated hands. They had torn at my face, skin and hair, pulling me away from my friends, and from Jack. When I had tried to turn back, my friends were suspended in the air like puppets on strings. Jack himself was grotesquely deformed, bones popping out of their sockets and his head hanging limply. Just before I had woken up, I had heard his croaking voice scream out to me.
'I wish I never met you! This is your fault!'

I took another deep breath in front of the steamy mirror, and I felt my goosebumps disappear slowly, and my shaking calmed down to only a slight tremble. I walked out of the bathroom, and downstairs to the living room/dining room/kitchen, a big open area with all three rooms combined. As I walked, I logged into my social media's to check for video requests. My stomach plummeted as I saw a whole page of hate comments.

'@RazorFiend only wants to be popular because she is an attention whore!'

'The only reason @RazorFiend is famous is because of @Jacksepticeye... he is way too good for her anyway.'

'I don't know how you think any of of those guys like you, they are so popular and famous, and you are nothing! @PewDiePie, @Markiplier, @Muyskerm, @Lordminion777, @CinnamonToastKen and especially @Jacksepticeye don't want anything to do with you!'

'@RazorFiend, you should just kill yourself now and save yourself the embarrassment of him dumping your skanky ass in front of all his subscribers!'

'Everyone hates you anyway, why don't you go jump off a cliff or something? Stop stealing Jack's subscribers! Nobody wants to hear your annoying voice @RazorFiend!'

My legs shook and I almost collapsed. My breathing became rapid, and I felt like I couldn't get enough air. The comments seemed to go on forever.

'Kill yourself!'

'You're not good enough for him'

'Everyone hates you'

'You're stupid and ugly'

'You don't deserve Jack'

'You should go and die'

I walked straight over to the couch and curled up in the far corner, my knees drawn to my chest and my head on my arms. I fought to keep the tears from flooding my eyes, as I tried to fight down a full blown panic attack. I heard voices in the kitchen, and then felt a dip beside me on the couch as someone sat next to me.
"Hey, you alright?" I heard a deep voice ask. I looked up to see the red haired face of Mark. His friendly face turned Scared as he noticed my wide eyes, and rapid breathing. He quickly put his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder in an effort to calm me down.
"Hey hey hey, it's alright, just breathe, okay? Take a few moments!"
I tried to do what he instructed, and felt my heart slow slightly. I took a shuddering breath.
"C-check... social... media..." I finally got out. Mark whipped out his phone in a flash and went silent as he logged in, and tapped into my account. I heard him quietly gasp as he saw the comments, and a tear slid down my cheek. A moment later, Mark's thick, sting arms encircled me, hugging me tightly. A loud sob racked through my body as I clung to Mark.
"I- Don't know why they," I stuttered. I heard Mark sniff and he tightened his grip.
"Don't listen to those idiots. They are just trying to put you down, to make themselves look good. They are jealous that you have come so far and made such amazing friends, and that you've made such an amazing guy fall in love with you, and they can't handle that. They just want to take their jealousy out on you. But they aren't true. Okay? None of that stuff is true! If we didn't like you, we wouldn't have asked you to fly over here, would we?"
I sniffed and looked up at him.
"I-I guess," I mumbled. Mark wiped my tears off my cheeks.
"Promise me you will ignore them. Promise me?"
I sighed and nodded. I felt defeated and empty. Mark tilted my chin up to look at him.
"All YouTubers get hate. Everyone does. The key is to be the bigger person, ignore them. If you do that, they will lose their entertainment, and it will stop. Just keep your head up, kay?"
I smiled shakily and nodded again. Mark smiled sadly at me, his big puppy dog eyes glistening. He walked into the kitchen, and returned a moment later with a plate of breakfast. Eggs and bacon on toast. I sniffed as Mark ruffled my hair gently, walking back to the kitchen. I sunk into the couch and picked at my food. I knew Mark was right, and I knew I should just ignore the petty comments, but this was the first bout of hate I had received. Sure I had copped a few single comments on various videos about things the people were annoyed about, such as my bad habit of flicking my fringe out of my eyes all the time, but never anything as hurtful and strong as this.
I felt like I just needed to be away from people and the internet for a while. I needed to be by myself.

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