My Sweet Irish Gamer Dork

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Jack swept me up into his arms and I giggled as he swung me around. He gracefully set me down and buried his face into my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. I grinned and reached up to clasp my hands around the back of his neck.
"God I'm so happy you said that!" Jack gushed. He kissed me sweetly on my forehead.
"So, do you wanna go and do something today?" He asked. I thought for a moment.
"Hmmm, what about we go to the toy store and video store, and then to the park?" I suggested. Jack grinned.
He took my hand and kissed it, before tugging me towards the front door. I laughed and managed to snatch up my still-packed backpack from beside the door as he pulled me outside.

After a quick stop at Jack's house to grab his own backpack, which, like mine, was covered in bag tags and little game character keychain things, we set off into town. Jack held my hand the entire time, squeezing it every now and then to make me look at him, which he would then pull a weird face and make me laugh. We eventually got into town, and headed immediately into EB Games video store. We both found a couple of new games, and some mugs. Jack bought a 'The BOSS' mug, and I bought a 'Batman' one. After we purchased our things, we moved on to the toy store a couple doors up. Jack ran straight over to the Deadpool action figures, and I ran over to the plushie section. I rummaged around for a while before finding some FNAF plushies. I squealed as I pulled out a Normal Bonnie, Toy Chica, Nightmare Foxy, Normal Freddy, Marionette and Balloon Boy. I found Jack holding a huge Deadpool soft toy, and he chuckled as he noticed my enormous grin and arms full of FNAF plushies. I rolled my eyes at Jack's choice as we went to pay. Mine cost $120, and Jack's  huge Deadpool cost $75. We left the toy store with gigantic grins. I had four bags including the one from the game store, and Jack had his game bag, and carried his huge Deadpool, which was way to big to fit into any bag.

We wandered through town until we came across a small park area. There was an empty playground and a picnic bench. I instantly dropped my bags and bolted towards the swings, squealing the whole way. I heard Jack laughing hysterically behind me, and a rustle that told me he was picking up my discarded bags. I jumped onto the swing and propelled myself backwards, swinging forwards with my legs kicking childishly in the air. I noticed Jack towards the side, placing the shopping bags and backpacks on the picnic bench, and start jogging towards me. He ducked beneath my wildly swinging legs and gave me a hard push, grabbing the seat at its peak and pushing as hard as hard as he could. I screamed in delight as I flew up towards the sky, my bright blue hair blowing madly in the wind. I giggled as a blur of bright green hair and blue jeans flew past me, a loud whoop! following the blur. I giggled crazily as we swung past each other, each trying to go higher than the other. We eventually dig our heels into the sand to slow our swinging, both coming to a complete stop at the same time. Jack grinned at me, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling with joy and exhilaration. I think my own emerald green eyes reflected the same expression. Without warning, Jack grabbed my swing and pulled me towards him. I gasped and grabbed the chains, holding on for dear life as I was pulled towards the Irish boy beside me.
"Jack, what are you-"
I was cut off by Jack grabbing me and mashing his soft lips to mine. I gasped into his open mouth, then my eyes fluttered closed and I melted into the kiss. I could taste the strong flavour of coffee, but beneath that was purely Jack. I inhaled his scent, while memorising every inch of his mouth. His lips were soft, and sweet, and fit my own like he was my missing piece. I felt his hands running through my hair, twisting it in his fingers, tracing the back of my neck. My own hands ran up his chest, tangling in his own hair, pushing it up out of his eyes, and I had to restrain from digging my nails into his shirt. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, and my senses exploded. I fought his tongue with mine, pushing and playful. Finally, all too soon, he pulled slowly away. I panted for breath, and saw Jack's chest heaving as well. I glanced up to shyly meet his gaze. His clear blue eyes found mine, and he grinned, a faint blush tinting his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I just had to do that," he said, sounding slightly out of breath. I smiled at him, hoping he could see or sense the amount of happiness and love that I was feeling.
"Jack... god," I stumbled. A worried look passed over his beautiful face.
"Ripley, I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
I placed a hand over his mouth, shutting him up instantly.
"Shut up you stupid dork," I teased. He stared at me with wide eyes.
"I loved it, and I love you, and you never have to apologise for anything like that, you hear me?"
I raised an eyebrow expectantly, before removing my hand from his mouth. His jaw fell open as I did, and it was all I could do to not fall to the ground in laughter from the comical look on his face. He cleared his throat.
"Ripley, I... I love you too," Jack stumbled. "I love you so much it hurts."
I smiled.
"Come on, let's get back, it's getting dark."
I leaned forward to give him a quick, sweet kiss, and walked over to the picnic bench to grab our bags. I felt my face break into an uncontrollable grin as an arm wrapped around my waist.
"Wait for me, noob," he teased fondly. I laughed and shook my head while rolling my eyes.
God I'm glad I fell in love with this Sweet, Irish, gamer dork.

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