Lil' Bitch / Son Of A leprechaun

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"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and WELCOME, to a very special episode of a new game called Escape!"
I scrunched up my face and cover my ears while Jack screamed his intro into the microphone in front of him. I readjusted my headphones as Jack rambled on.
"- so basically, you go around finding keys and solving trap puzzle type things, and trying to kill the other players, before your two hours are up! Now, before we start, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine who is going to be playing with me. SAY HELLO TO RAZORFIEND!!!!"
I flinched away from Jack's flailing arms and ear splitting scream. I laughed and gave my own intro.
"Heya losers, my name is RazorFiend! You can find my channel in the description below! So I heard about this game on Steam, and me and Jackaboy here thought it would be a fun collab to try out! So, are we ready Jack?"
I looked at Jack, who was pulling weird faces at the camera. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, YEAH, lets DO IT!" He roared, entering the game. I rolled my neck.
This was going to be fun.

"NO you son-of-a-leprechaun! Die!!!" I yelled, twisting my controller furiously as my character battled Jack's on screen.
"GET OUT OF ME YOU LIL' BITCH! NO! YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU ARSEHOLE!!!" He screamed as I stabbed my knife through Jack's characters chest. The words: 'You Did Not Escape', appeared on Jack's side of the screen and I laughed wickedly.
"Nooooooo!" Jack whined as he made a cute sad face at the camera and pouted. Wait, cute? No! Shut up!
Jack turned to me and flashed me a toothy grin, before turning back to the camera.
"Well, that does it for this episode of Escape, with RazorFiend, who I didn't realise was a PRO! Ha ha, anyways THANK you guys so much for watching, if you LIKED IT, PUNCH that like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all round! Whapish, whapish! Thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes, INTHENEXTVIDEOOOO!"
I laughed as Jack finished his intro, and winked at me. I faced the camera.
"Well people, that's all for this episode, with the all amazing Jacksepticeye himself! Tell us what you think about this video in the comments, the link for both our channels are in the description. If you liked this video, stab that 'like' button as hard as you can, and I will see you weirdos in the next episode!"
I finished with my signature double handed point at the camera, and Jack stopped the video. I slumped back in my seat.
"God that was fun!" Jack laughed. I grinned.
"Yeah, but my ears will never be the same again thanks to you!" I teased. Jack scrunched his nose at me and ran off downstairs. I giggled and chased after him.
As soon as my feet left the bottom step, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and swung me up into the air. I squealed and kicked my feet. I heard a familiar laugh from next to my ear.
"Jack! Let go you bloody douchebag!" I screamed, laughing so hard that tears ran down my face, as the arms began to tickle me.
"Stop! Stop!"
Jack laughed, and lowered his voice to a deep, demonic tone.
"Never...." he growled, and I squealed again as he wriggled his fingers into my neck. I spun around, bumping face first into his chest, and grabbed the front of his hoody. I curled up into myself as he continued to tickle me, but only for a moment more. His fingers came to a rest in my hair, and he tilted my chin up gently to look at him. A worried look crossed his face.
"Are you crying?" He asked worriedly.
I smiled at him assuredly.
"It's from laughing so hard," I explained. Jack breathed a sigh of relief.
We both realised at the same time what position we were in. Jack had one hand resting in the crook of my neck, and the other around my waist, my own hands were spread across Jack's chest, and our faces were inches apart. Jack blinked and I took a step back. A small step. Jack smiled again, a little cautiously this time.
"Do you want to go pick a movie while I grab some snacks and drinks?" He asked questioningly. I nodded and his smile became less forced.
"Okay cool!"
I walked into the living room and sat down in front of the tall stack of DVDs. I could feel my hands shaking and my heart racing. I took a deep breath as a little smile fluttered over my lips.
'Well that was interesting...'

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