Mocha Is For Pussies!

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The next morning, I woke up in a foul mood. I was completely exhausted from staying up so late last night. My head felt like a war zone. I looked like a zombie. And my temper? Don't even ask.
I grabbed my favourite grey hoodie with the Jacksepticeye logo on the front and pulled it on over a black tee with nerdy hipster glasses on the front. I changed my pyjama shorts to a pair of ripped black jeans and grabbed my ratty old aqua converse, the same colour as my hair, only dirtier. Shit. I really need some new shoes. Finally, I grabbed a black backpack and shoved my laptop, headphones, charger and purse into the  biggest pocket. I fought to untangle the little FNAF keychain figures so I could finally zip the bag shut. Eventually I won my battle, and slung the bag over my shoulder, leaving my small apartment behind.

I walked for about 5 minutes before coming to my favourite little café. And no, not the one I work at. There is only so much of that place I can take. Anyway, I used my shoulder to shove the door open, hearing the little tinkle of the bell as I did so. My shoulders dropped. The place was full. I pushed my way through the wall of zombie-like people and found myself at the counter. I ordered a large Mocha, and went to find a seat. After searching for a while, I spotted a couple just standing up from their two seater table. I quickly ran over.
"Do you mind if I take this table?" I asked quickly. The couple laughed and nodded, leaving towards the doors. I let out a sigh of relief and sat down, dropping my bag into the table and pulling out my laptop, pushing the charger into the wall socket. I took out my headphones and plugged them in, preparing myself to tune out the noise of the cafe and zone into editing this new video, and creating some new mashups for future uploads. My mocha appeared in front of me, and I smiled at the waitress as I sunk into my seat, and began to work.

I hadn't gotten past 10 minutes of the video when my computer started to glitch out.
"No no no," I mumbled, furiously trying to save my work. Just as I clicked the save button, the screen went black.
I pushed the power button a few times, swiping my finger across the trackpad, but nothing worked. I slammed the laptop shut and put my head in my hands. Shiiiiit!  Suddenly, I noticed a pair of bright green converse step into view. I looked up. A boy was standing there, his black hoodie up, covering his hair and hiding part of his face, and a steaming coffee in his hand. His blue eyes seemed to look right through me.
"E-Excuse me?" He asked in a thick Irish accent. "Would ya mind if I sat here? There aren't any other tables, and I have some work to do."
Well, he seemed very polite. And it wasn't fair for me to hog an entire table!
"Uh, sure!" I replied, quickly moving my stuff to make room for him. He smiled gratefully and took the seat across from me. He pulled his own laptop, similar to mine, from his backpack, and a set of earphones. His laptop was covered in stickers. I recognised a few YouTuber logos. He noticed me looking, and smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah, I know, I'm a bit of a geek," he said, a faint blush tainting his cheeks. Then he noticed my hoodie, and a small smile appeared. It lit up his whole face.
"You like Jacksepticeye?" He asked shyly. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm a geek too. I'm obsessed with a bunch of YouTubers," I confessed. "I actually have my own channel, but my computer just screwed itself when I was trying to edit my latest video..."
The strange boy tilted his head.
"I can take a look at it if ya want?" He offered kindly. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Oh yes please!"

A few minutes later, my laptop was on and running again. This guy obviously New a few things about computers. I smiled at him gratefully.
"Oh, thank you so much!" I gushed. He smiled and waved away my thanks.
"No need for that, anything for a fellow YouTuber!" I looked at him through my fringe.
"I forgot to ask you," I said. "What is your name? Mine is Ripley."
The boy smiled at me, and reached up a hand to grab the top of his hood. As he pulled it off his head, he said, "My name is Jack..."
I gasped out loud as his bright green hair was revealed. That's why his face and accent were so familiar! But why was he here, and not in Ireland?
"J-Jack? Jacksepticeye? Holy crap, your the reason I started a YouTube channel!" I stuttered. "You are such an amazing person, and your ability to laugh at anything has inspired me to do the same!"
Jack smiled, dimples forming in his cheeks, and his eyes sparkled in the light.
"Well then, RazorFiend, you are certainly a great inspiration to others as well!"
I gasped.
"You've seen my uploads?" I asked incredulously. Jack laughed and nodded.
"Of coarse! Your hilarious!"

Jack and I talked for ages. We spoke about everything and anything.
"Once I was so tired during a gameplay that I actually mixed Red Bull and Coffee together to try to help me stay awake," Jack confessed. I laughed.
"Gosh, that's disgusting! The only coffee I can even stand is Mocha or plain coffee with heaps of sugar and milk!"
Jack stared at me like I had just pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot his puppy.
"Mocha?!" He cried. "Mocha is for pussies! It isn't even real coffee! And who drinks milk and sugar in their coffee? That's gross!"
We laughed and exchanged stories, and before I knew it, it was 3pm. Jack noticed the time and swore.
"Shit, I gotta go, I have a gameplay to film and upload tonight!" He apologised. I smiled, and quickly packed my own things up.
"Hey, maybe we could do a collab or something soon?" I suggested. Jack's eyes grew ten times their size.
"Oh god, that's a great idea!" He shouted. I laughed.
"Hey, let me give you my number, so we can meet up again!" He said. We both swapped phones and entered out details. Once we swapped back and got outside, Jack pulled me into a quick hug. He smelt like coffee, and he was warm and cosy. We pulled away all too soon.
"Well I've gotta go, but I will text you tonight, okay?" He promised. I grinned.
"Sure! Bye Jack!" Jack waved and dimpled again.
"See ya later Ripley!"
I turned and walked back to my apartment, feeling like I just lived the best day of my life.

Later that night, I decided to text Jack.

Me: Hey :) How's the gameplay going?

Jack: All done! :D Editing now!

Me: Ooh, will it be up tonight?

Jack: Probably, but now for a few hours. You better get some sleep, don't wait up for it!

Me: Aww :(  Okay... Night Jackie!

Jack: Good girl! Night Ripples! ;)

I smiled at Jack's nickname for me, and switched my phone off. I was still smiling as I fell asleep.

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