Ugly Little Nobody

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The zoo was incredible.
There were so many beautiful animals that I had never seen in real life before. Rhinos and Elephants and Kangaroos, and my favourite, the Tigers. I could have spent hours just watching those magnificent creatures. And I would have, if it wasn't for Ken, Mark, Bob, Wade and Felix nagging me and Jack to hurry up.
It took us about three hours to ho around the entire place, and by that stage, we were all starving and exhausted. Jack, Felix and I ran into the gift shop while we waited for the others to catch up. I examined a real shark tooth necklace, running my finger along the edge of the bone in amazement. Suddenly, there was a soft nudge on my shoulder. I turned around, to find Jack with an enormously childish grin on his face, and an even bigger stuffed Tiger plushie in his arms. My jaw dropped. He nuzzled the toy into my face, and I let out a disbelieving laugh.
"Jack, I... what is this?" I stumbled.
Jack blushed.
"Well, you love tigers so much, and I know you love teddies and plushies, so I wanted to get this for you!"
I wrapped my arms around Jack, squeezing him in a tight hug.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I squealed. Jack laughed as Felix came around the corner, holding a toy monkey that was almost bigger than him. He smirked at us.
"Mine is bigger than yours," he teased and walked off towards the car. I rolled my eyes and took Jack's hand again, and we followed the immature Swede to the cars.

After Felix and I managed to fit our purchases into the cars, Mark and Ken drove us all to the nearest fast food place, which turned out to be a Pizza Place. We all rushed inside and sat at large table. We all agreed on what pizzas we wanted, and Wade and Ken, the most mature of our group, went to go order. I noticed a bunch of girls at the far side of the room eyeing off the guys. I frowned. They were definitely checking Mark and Jack out. I shook my head, and excused myself to visit the bathroom.
I locked myself in the stall and did my business. As I was coming out to wash my hands, I heard the door bang, and the giggling of a group of girls as they entered the small bathroom. I grimaced as I realised it was the same group who had been eyeing off Mark and Jack. The tallest girl, fair haired, with lanky legs and shorts that were barley legal, stepped up into my face. I stood my ground.
"What are to doing with those guys?" The leader sneered. I raised an eyebrow.
"Having lunch," I replied sarcastically. The blonde girl pushed me back into the sink.
"Why would such famous people want to hang out with you?" She laughed. She noticed the shocked look on my face, although I did my best to hide it.
"Oh, yes honey, we know aaaall about the ripped Markiplier, and that hot ass Jacksepticeye. Even Pewdiepie has a rocking body."
The lust in the girl's tone made me want to throw up. The other girls behind her, about three or four, were nodding and licking their lips. I blanched. The lead girl suddenly grabbed my shoulders and rammed her bony knee into my stomach. I gasped and dropped to the floor, winded. I blinked through the tears in my eyes, to see the face of the lead girl.
"Of you think you have a chance with any of those boys, you've got another thing coming," she spat. "You're just a weak, ugly little nobody. Good luck getting with any of those perfect guys."
The blonde girl kicked me in the stomach again, and once more as I tried to clutch my aching core. I felt her heeled foot connect with my arm. With that, the group walked out, giggling and smirking as they left. I curled up into a ball on the floor, gasping for breath. I was glad I was in jeans and not a dress or skirt.

Finally, the pain subsided slightly, and I was able to breathe again, and I slowly stood up off the cold floor. I noticed how numb my body was from laying on the freezing tiles. I quickly pulled my jacket sleeves down over the angry bruise that was forming in my left forearm, obviously from when the lead blonde girl kicked me.
I hurriedly left the cold bathroom, keeping my head down, although my bright blue hair stood out by a mile anywhere. I quickly slid into my seat beside Jack, plastering a huge, fake smile onto my face before I looked up.
No way was I going to let him worry about me.
Jack looked at me in concern.
"Hey, are you okay? You were almost 7 minutes," he asked.
I internally swore at myself.
"Yeah, I just felt a bit sick and stayed there just in case," I explained in a hurry. "I think it's just from all the walking and being so hungry!"
Jack frowned at me, but kissed my cheek and let it go. I was thankful for that.
"Okay, as long as you're okay. Here, have something to eat, it might make you feel a bit better," he replied, passing me a slice of meat lovers. I smiled at him and took a bite of the delicious pizza. Too bad I could taste anything, and the thought of eating made me want to throw up for real.
I managed to get away with only eating two slices of pizza, and finally the boys all agreed it was time to go back to Mark's house.
I almost fell asleep in the car, but the words of those horrible girls kept floating back to me. I was sandwiched between Jack and Wade this time, and I had a feeling that both boys knew something was up, considering I was nowhere near as hyper and talkative as I normally was.

We eventually got to Mark's house, and Jack, Ken, Wade and I went up to the second bedroom upstairs. Jack and I got the double bed, Ken got the fold out couch, and poor Wade had a mattress on the floor. Mark was in his own bed, with Felix on the blow up mattress and bob on the second fold out couch, in Mark's room, across the hall from ours.
I fell straight into the bed and curled up into a protective ball, trying to block out my dark thoughts by blasting my favourite music as loud as I could. I felt Jack climbed into the bed and snuggle up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and gently turned the volume of my music down until it was just loud enough for me to be able to hear it. I felt Jack bury his face into my neck, and threw a leg over mine. I smiled, unintentionally, and closed my eyes.
"Love you Jack," I whispered.
"Love you too Ripley," came the soft reply, as I drifted off to sleep.

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