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"Grace.. I don't think a party is a smart idea. Isn't your date this Saturday, anyway?" I asked, closing my locker lightly.
"Well, yea.. But he said we could just go to the party instead, and go on a real date next week. I think it would be good for you though.. You need to get out there more. Do you wanna tell your grand-kids all the fun slash stupid things you did as a teen? Or do you wanna just tell them that you think they should eat oatmeal cause it has a lot of protein and vitamins?" She asked, walking by me after I had started walking away.
"Those two comaprrisons really have nothing to do with eachother, so your convincing sha'll be invalid." I whispered in my Terminator voice.
"Wait, what? What was that just then? Did you just use the voice I think you used? You did, didn't you?.. You little b-"
"Listen. I just really don't wanna go. And yes, yes it was the Terminator voice. Now if you'll excuse me, it is time for my Photography class."
I poked Grace and started walking away, rolling my eyes.
I loved her, but she really got on my nerves sometimes.
"Hey sweetie."
My body tensed and I stopped walking when I heard Chase.
I relaxed my body and hurried into my Photography class. Maybe if I just ignore him, he'll magically turn into a unicorn and fly away for forever.
But, of course, my prayers weren't answered. He just followed me into the class like the normal potato that he was.
"I don't like it when you ignore me." He whispered roughly, holding onto my wrist tightly.
I winced and mumbled under my breath. "I don't like it when your around me"
"What did you just say?" He gritted out.
"N-nothing, Chase.. Class is about to start, so how about we take our seats?" I asked, trying to get free from his grasp while staying unnoticed.
"We're gonna talk after school. I don't like your attitude." He harshly let my wrist go.
I brought it up to my chest and held onto it as I walked up to my seat, which was now by Hayden's table.
I rested my arm in my lap and rested my head on the table, sighing.
Sometimes I just wanted to run away from it all.. But I knew I couldn't. It would hurt my mom, and Grace as well. And I just couldn't do that to them.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
I looked up and smiled slightly at Hayden. "Hey.. Sorry. Just resting my head." I whispered out.
He took his seat by me and stared at me for a few seconds.
"Are those bruises on your cheeks?" His eyebrows scrunched up, and he leaned in a bit closer.
If I wasn't panicking, I would go on and on about how adorable he looked right now.
"N-no.. I probably just messed up on my make-up this morning. It happens a lot." I mumbled out, quickly looking away.
I felt his eyes on me for a few more seconds before he shrugged and looked ahead. Just then, Mrs. Casey walked in and smiled at us.
"Hello class. It's Friday, so you'll have lots of time to get to know your partner, yes?"
A few students groaned, and the others just let out a small sigh.
Darn. My plans of going to all those parties I wasn't invited to, and doing all those crazy things I had planned to do, we're ruined.
Oh well.
"Now. Let me go ahead and start off with another quote. 'What lies behind us and lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us' by Ralph Waldo Emerson." She smiled and sat down, stacking some papers up.
We all just sat there quietly as she fixed up her desk. About a minute later she looked back up at us.
"I know your all so very excited about this project." She stopped and smiled at us. "Whoa guys. Don't let all the excitement out. You'll cause one of the teachers to come and tell us to shut up." She sarcastically muttered out.
A few of us laughed lightly, but were quite other than that.
"Anyway.. I'd like to start off with saying that after a bit thinking, I have decided to add another 5 points if you decide to pick a song too. So that's 20 points in all added to your original grade. And a lot of you will probably need that." She raised an clinical eyebrow and stared us all down.
"There's really nothing else for me to say.. So for the rest of the class, just get to know your partners and talk. Any questions?"
A girl raised her hand and bit her lip.
"Yes, Samantha?" Mrs. Casey asked.
"Um.. Rachel isn't here today.. What do I do?"
"Just doodle, or talk to others around you.. Maybe make a list of questions to ask your partner?"
"Alright.. Thanks, Mrs. Casey."
She nodded and looked back at her book that was on her desk.
I turned to Hayden and smiled, holding my pencil in my hand. "How about we just make a list of questions then ask them later?"
Haydn nodded. "Sure."
I turned back to my paper and started numbering the page after I had written the question.
I looked back up at Hayden to see how far he had gotten.
My eye twitched when I saw he was just sitting there, leaned back.
I leaned over and poked him a few times in the arm, making him wince.
"Why do I keep hurting you? You have muscles!" I stated.
"You don't hurt me, munchkin." He replied.
I narrowed my eyes and let the 'nickname' slide. "Why aren't you working?"
"I don't nee to. I already know the questions I want to ask you."
"And how many questions would that be?" I asked.
"One." He shrugged.
"...I don't think you understand how this works.. Your supposed to have many questions for me, supposed to get to know me."
He grinned slightly and raised an eyebrow. "Trust me. I'll get to know you without even having to ask questions."
"Oh come on.. That's the fun part though! You asking!" I whined.
"Fine fine.. I'll make a list at home tonight. I don't feel like thinking at the moment." He leaned back again and closed his eyes.
I sighed and looked back down at my paper, continuing to write down questions.
Shortish chapter, I know.. But I hope you enjoyed it! Please give me some feedback! Thank you for reading, everyone! <3

The Photo Project (#Wattys2014)
Romance"I'm scared" I whisper as a tear trails down my cheek. Hayden's eyes soften as he stares down at me. He pulls me into his chest, resting his head on mine as he rubs small circles along my back. "Don't be scared. Don't you dare ever be scared. There'...