You know that feeling from when you were little? The feeling when you jumped off the swing after you got to the height you wanted to? The feeling, the flip, your stomach made. It would twist and flop around, making you nervous about the landing.
Thats's what I was feeling right now.
How was a person supposed to respond to someone who just asked why they self harmed? Cause my mind was coming up with nothing.
My mouth opened and closed, probably making me look like a stupid fish on drugs or something. It wasn't very attractive, I could tell you that.
The thing I had to remember though?.. After you jumped from that swing, you'd either fall on your feet or on your knees. It may sting a little, but it wouldn't kill you. You may get hurt on the way down, but it wouldn't kill you.
"Hayden.." I trailed off, that being the only thing I could get passed my lips.
His eyes narrowed even more, if that were possible, and he stepped closer to me. I pushed myself into the couch more, hoping it would magically swallow me up and take me somewhere, anywhere, but here.
"It-it's not what you think.. I don't- I don't do that anymore, Hayden." I whispered, wishing I were more brave in that moment.
His eyes softened for a few seconds before going back to those hard, dark brown orbs. "Why did you do it then? When did you do it?"
"Why do you care anyways?" I sighed out, looking anywhere but him.
I looked over to him just to see him shrug. He dug his hands into his hoodie pockets and sat down by me.
"I guess I just don't see why someone so happy like you, would want to do something like cutting..." He trailed off.
"Listen. Can we just not talk about it? Just.. Just do your work and I'll turn on the TV, and we can pretend this never happened. Okay?"
Hayden sighed, but nodded, and with one last wary look, placed his homework on the table and started working on it.
I walked up to school that next morning. My head was hurting, and my side felt like a horse kicked into it, but I had to come today. I didn't feel like missing work and having to do even more of it the next day I went into school.
I sighed and walked up to my locker, knowing I'd have to make at least three more stops there today.
I was pulling my science folder out when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
I put it in my bag, shut the door, and turned around.
"Hello, Ms. Loving. How are you today?" Mr. Frink asked.
I shivered slightly when I saw him look me up and down. "I-I'm good. And you, Mr. Frink?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.
"Ah. I'm perfect." He reached up and touched my shoulder lightly, smiling at me.
I tried to keep a straight face, and I tried not to flinch.. I wasn't too keen on people, preferably guys, touching me. And I really didn't like where this was going. I was the only student left in the hallways. The bell had rung about fifteen minutes before I had even gotten here.
"How about you and I take a walk? It's lovely outside, and your already late for class anyway."
I shook my head quickly. "Oh, um.. I don't.. I don't think that's a very good idea, Mr. Frink."
"Oh but I insist. " He grabbed my wrist, the one with the painful bruise, and smiled down at me. "It won't be too long. I'd just like to talk."
"Please, let me go. I don't want to go anywhere but class." I snatched my wrist out of his hold and turned on my heel.
He grabbed my waist and pulled me back, holding me to him tightly.
Mr. Frink was in his early to mid twenties. He was handsome, but he was also a teacher.
"Please let me go.." I whispered, wiggling around in his grip.
"I'd let her go if I were you, yea, Mr. Frink?"
I sighed in relief, staggering away when Mr. Frink's hold on me fell.
He turned to Hayden and nodded his head once. "Hello, Mr. Arcane. I wasn't meaning to cause any trouble.. This will stay between us, yes?"
Hayden gave him a death glare, staying where he was. He kept his eyes on Mr. Frink until he was gone into another hallway.
Hayden rolled his eyes and walked up to me. "Why are you always in trouble?" He asked, taking my arm.
I noticed I didn't flinch in his hold. It actually comforted me.. Why? I wouldn't know. Maybe I was just scared, and glad that Hayden had helped me.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered as he pulled me into an empty class room.
"I knew he was a pervert. That ass hole." Hayden mumbled to himself, pacing back and forth.
I wasn't sure why he was freaking out so much. I mean, I was the one who had been violated by a teacher.
"Are you hurt?" He asked, stopping his pacing to look at me.
I nodded. "Mhm. Not a scratch."
He nodded and sat by me on the desk to my right. "I should get to class.."
Hayden shook his head. "It's too late anyway. Why don't you just skip the rest of the day? We can hang out." He grumbled out, crossing his arms.
I blushed and shrugged. "I mean.. I've never skipped before.. But I guess I could try. I really don't feel like being here anyway." I stated.
Hayden grinned and held his hand out for me. "M'lady."
I laughed and took his hand, jumping down drom the desk. He let go of my hand and pulled my lightly by the arm.
He discretely pulled me out the exit doors, telling me to keep walking.
"Car or motorcycle?" I asked as we walked.
"Brought my bike."
I nodded and licked my lips nervously when we got up to it. He got on, and, as fast as I could, hopped on. I held on tightly to his waist and rested my head against his back as he put his helmet on.
"Now. Lets go have fun" I whispered out, feeling nervous about all of this.
So I don't like this chapter. Like, at all.. But I needed to write. My fingers were begging for it! So this is all I got.. Oh well!

The Photo Project (#Wattys2014)
Romance"I'm scared" I whisper as a tear trails down my cheek. Hayden's eyes soften as he stares down at me. He pulls me into his chest, resting his head on mine as he rubs small circles along my back. "Don't be scared. Don't you dare ever be scared. There'...