24: Beyond Project Partners

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Well hello there. Obviously, this is another chapter. So I'm gonna shut up and let you read, and hope you enjoy.


"You're kidding me, right?"

"Um.. Sorry, ma'am.. But we don't have that coffee anymore. It was a special that comes around once a year."

I glowered at the guy in front of me, looking him up and down.

"Well I don't care. I demand you make it!" I pouted, crossing my arms.

The guy looked from me to Hayden nervously, pulling at the collar of his shirt.

I looked over at Hayden and groaned. "Can you believe this guy? I can't believe this guy."

"Isobel, stop doing this to the poor guy. He can't make it, just pick another one."

My eye twitched as I stared at him.

Now was he serious? The whole world was against me!

Hayden rolled his eyes at me and pointed to the Starbucks menu.

I sighed and stuck my tongue out before ordering a plain caramel latte.

Hayden ordered his regular coffee with a dash of cream and a little bit of sugar and we were on our way out.

"Thanks." I grimly let out, kicking at a rock as we walked to his bike.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side. He kissed the side of my head and pulled us to his bike.

"Isobel, you were about to give the poor guy a heart attack."

"Well he wouldn't make my coffee!"

"Because they don't have it."

I sighed and hopped on his bike, holding the coffee close to me. Hayden handed me his and I put it on the seat in front of mine, carefully watching over them as he started it and zoomed off.

He rode over to that one hunting shop that I almost got raped in and I glared at him.

"Don't worry, Isobel. C'mon."

I hand him his coffee and he helps me off, pulling me inside.

"Uncle Joey!" Hayden yelled out.

I bit my lip and looked around the shop nervously.

"Hayden, my boy! How are you?" 'Joey' said, coming from the back.

"I'm doing pretty great. Yourself?"

"Ah same old same old. Aunt Helen is about to have her baby. You're gonna be a cousin of another baby!"

Hayden grinned and nodded, clapping the man on his back.

"And I see you brought your friend back. Sorry about what happened last time, sweet heart. Mason can be a bit of a.. Um.." He paused, looking for the right words.

"A dick?" Hayden offered, making Joey nod.

"Yea, yea! A dick."

I laughed and shook my head. "It's alright."

Hayden wrapped his arm around my waist again and I blushed brightly as I awkwardly stared at the floor.

"Okay, this seems to go beyond project partners now."

Hayden chuckled and nodded. "This is my girlfriend, Isobel."

I blushed brightly and looked up at Hayden, smiling lightly.

"I knew it would happen eventually." His uncle said smugly, crossing his arms.

"So what are you in here for, boy?"

"Can't I just drop by to show my girlfriend off?" He asks, pulling me even closer if that was possible.

Oh my-.. Was he trying to kill me? Trying to suffocate me to death so he didn't have to deal with me? Was his uncle in on it?!

"Isobel, you okay?"

"Hm? Oh oh yea! Haha.. Ha.. I'm erm.. Haha fine." I trail off, looking to the side.

He shook his head and looked at me strangely before looking back a his uncle.

"We should get going now. It was nice seeing you Uncle Joey."

"You too, boy. Don't be a stranger!"

Hayden nodded and waved as we walked out the door.

"What are we doing now?" I ask, hopping over to his motorcycle.

"Well, I was planning on just taking you to mine and we could make out."

My eye twitched as I stared up at him.

Was he kidding? He was, right?

"You ass clown." I shake my head, getting on his bike.

He chuckled and got on in front of me, putting his helmet on his head.

So much for protecting my beautiful face.

I rested my head on his back as he took off, zooming past cars and other people on motorcycles.

I waved to a few with a funny face, but quickly stopped so I wouldn't cause an accident.

"Shit." I heard Hayden say.

"Whats wrong?" I yell over the wind, worried.

"Isobel, take the helmet off my head please."

"Why, what's wrong with it?"

"I-I can't see with it on."

I look at his back, confused for a few seconds before deciding to listen to him.

I un-clip his helmet and pull it off carefully.

"Clean off the cover and go ahead and put it on yourself." He says calmly, but I can hear a sense of urgency.

"Hayden, what's wrong?"

"Damnit Isobel just do as I say!" He yells, his voice becoming more urgent.

I furrow my eyebrow and wipe the visor with my shirt before slipping it onto my head.

I wrap my arms around Hayden's waist and kiss his back. "Are you okay?"

His shoulders were tense and I wasn't sure if I had done something wrong.

"Hayden, the light turned red. You may wanna slow down."

He was quite for a few seconds and we zoomed past the red light.

That's when I got worried.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't, Hayden? Pull over! What's the matter with you?"

"Damnit Isobel I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"What do you me-"

I screamed as he swerved to the side, making the bike go over the railing and down a large hill.

And everything went black.


That was short wasn't it? I just had to leave you with a cliff hanger through, so please forgive me!

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