"Good morning, class. It's great to see all of your beautiful faces today. Now, today we will be presenting the projects. Not all of you will have time, so we will be finishing the last of them up tomorrow. Hopefully we can get through most of them today though. Any volunteers to go first?"
I looked at Hayden and shrugged a shoulder.
"Why not? Let's just get this thing over with" He grumbled, standing up with his glitter covered paper.
I bit my lip and followed him, holding my paper to me as we got up to the front.
"Ah, Isobel and Hayden. Please, start when you're ready."
I smiled and nodded, moving a little farther from Hayden, motioning for him to go first.
He cleared his throat and looked up at everyone.
"So my partner was Isobel Loving, and we've had quite the adventure."
He stopped talking and turned his poster around, making some of the guys chuckle and the girls laugh.
"You can blame her for the glitter." He chuckled out, looking over at me.
I blushed and looked away, staring at my shoes.
"Isobel is a loving girl, and her last name really suites her. I'm really glad I was able to be her partner for the project, there's literally no one else I'd want to do it with..
She's been through some stuff, just like we all have, and she made it through strong. I think the amazing thing about Isobel is that she still loves, even when she gets hurt. She still cares about those who hurt her, and she can forgive them. I don't know about you, but I don't know a lot of people, if any, that can do what she does..
When you first meet Isobel.. She's a bit shy and awkward, but once you get to know her it's hard to get her to shut up.
She's a really great girl, and doing this project with her has changed me for the better. I'm not sure what it is about her, but when you're with her, you just feel free."
He smiled and held the poster up higher for everyone to see for a minute before taking my spot and moving me where he was.
I had tears in my eyes as I gave him one last glance before looking up at my classmates.
"Um.. My partner was Hayden Arcane.. He was really stubborn at first, and it was really hard to get him to talk.."
I stopped and cleared my throat, thinking of what to say next.
"When I first met Hayden.. I was afraid of a lot of things, and I'm sure you've all seen the news so I don't need to go into detail.."
I shook my head, shaking the memories away.
"But after getting to know him.. You know that feeling, where your falling asleep, but you suddenly feel like your falling down?.. I've always felt that way; asleep or awake.
But then I met him, and I knew that if I did fall, he would be at the bottom to catch me.
I'm really glad I got paired up with Hayden, because if I hadn't, that feeling would still be there."
I nodded and held my poster up, biting my lip.
I was never good with words, and I could only hope that it was good enough to explain my thanks to Hayden.
Hayden kissed my cheek, making me squeak and blush brightly as i scurried off to my desk.
He chuckled and strolled along after me, shaking his head.
"That was really sweet." I told him, smiling lightly up at him.
"I'm glad I make you feel safe." He leaned in closely, brushing his lips right above mine.
"Ahem. Could you two please wait to make out after class is over? Thank you."
I blushed brighter than a firetruck and rested my head on the table, keeping my gaze away from everyone.
"Alright, next pair please come up!"
I kept my head on the table, just listening as partners came up, told their story, then sat back down.
Halfway through class, Hayden scooted his desk closer to mine and rested his hand on my thigh, caressing it with his thumb.
I bit my lip and peered at him from above my arm, shaking my head.
He rolled his eyes playfully and took his hand off, resting it on his table.
"Alright class, the bells about to ring. Please leave your posters on my desk on your way out, and I'll see you tomorrow!"
Just then the bell rang and everyone got up, placing their posters on her desk on the way out.
I stood up and walked along with Hayden, placing my poster on top of his.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom and down a hallway.
"Are you taking me to a secluded area to do naught things to me? Cause I swear, if I end up dead, I'll come back and haunt you. I don't know if my body can handle that kinky stuff."
Hayden burst out laughing, shaking his head. "Where do you come up with these things?"
I shrug and pout, letting him drag me into a classroom.
"I wanna go home! I don't wanna stay here longer than I need to." I groan out, crossing my arms.
"Oh shush. I just wanna talk to you about London."
I nodded and motioned for him to go on.
"The family that lives there... They're kind of.. I don't know how to explain it. Just don't get put off or offended by anything they say. They really don't mean it."
I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well.. You're the first girl I'd be taking to their house. Any they can get pretty judgmental.." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head.
I nodded in understanding and smiled up at him. "It's alright, I'm not gonna get scared off or anything."
He grinned and sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around me.
I giggled and rolled my eyes, snuggling into his chest. "I can't wait to go. Thank you so much for inviting me, Hayden."
"Of course. I don't know what I'd do without you there. I'd be so bored."
"It's London, Hayden. How could anyone possibly get bored there? It's beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you though."
I blushed and bit my lip, looking up at him through my eyelashes.
He gave me a goofy grin and grabbed my hand, dragging me outside to his motorcycle.
I couldn't wait.
Hey there! Thanks for reading. I'm sorry it was a long wait, and it's short.. It's also not even that great but I wanted to get something up! ^.^ THE PHOTO is on the side there.

The Photo Project (#Wattys2014)
Romance"I'm scared" I whisper as a tear trails down my cheek. Hayden's eyes soften as he stares down at me. He pulls me into his chest, resting his head on mine as he rubs small circles along my back. "Don't be scared. Don't you dare ever be scared. There'...