So.. I'm a little disappointed and sad. No one asked for my Tumblr... That's alright though I guess.. Here's the chapter, guys.
I yawned and sat up, scratching at my head.
I blinked my eyes open, sighing loudly.
Today was the trial, and to say I was nervous was an understatement.
I was just glad that Hayden would be there to support and comfort me.
I yawned again as I walked to my closet, deciding to put on a dress.
It was a cream color with black lace under the bust and at the bottom of it. It had a pretty bow under the bust with a bigger cream one under it.
It was simple, but appropriate for a court room.
I pulled out my black Converse and slid them on, looking at myself in the full length mirror.
I looked tired and worn, but a little bit of makeup would help that.
I put some mascara on with a little line of eyeliner, and a light lip gloss.
Should I call Hayden to see if hes ready?
I looked at the time and groaned. There was two more hours until the trial, and I was begining to wish the floor would swallow me up.
I grabbed my phone and lied down, clicking on Hayden's number.
"Yea, um, Hayden.. Are you picking me up.. Or are we meeting there, or-"
"I'm picking you up, sweetheart. I'll be there within the next fifteen minutes, so be ready, alright?"
"Alright.. Thank you Hayden."
I hung up and stayed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
If today turned out right and I got my way, I would never have to see Chase again, and I could get on with my life.
Maybe I could start something more with Hayden.
Did I even want that?
Who am I kidding? Of course I did.
I got off the bed and walked downstairs, walking out the door. I sat on the steps and waited for Hayden.
About five minutes later, I could hear the sounds of a motorcycle getting closer. I stood up and smiled as Hayden came to a quick stop in front of me.
He pulled his helmet off and got off, grinning at me. "Hello, beautiful."
I blushed as my smile turned into a shy one. I walked closer to him and his bike and tilted my head to the side as I took in his appearance.
He was dressed in a nice button up navy blue top, and jeans that fir snug against his legs, but not too tightly.
I'm pretty sure drool was dripping out of the side of my mouth by now.
I quickly shook my head and blinked a few times as I looked up at him. "What?"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully. "I was asking how you were."
"Oh!.. I'm uh.. I'm okay. As okay as I can be today."
He nodded and brought his hand up, rubbing his thumb against my cheek lightly. "You'll be okay, Isobel. I'll be there if you need anything. Your mom will be there as well. Right?"
I nodded and sighed, looking down. "Yea.. She went early today so she could come.. I told her about him a few night ago.. It was horrible. She kept talking about how she should have known, and how horrible she was for not noticing anything off.."

The Photo Project (#Wattys2014)
Romance"I'm scared" I whisper as a tear trails down my cheek. Hayden's eyes soften as he stares down at me. He pulls me into his chest, resting his head on mine as he rubs small circles along my back. "Don't be scared. Don't you dare ever be scared. There'...