Chapter 5

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the story so far and read this story so far! If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.  

As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Fierfek: was a slang word that meant "hex" or "curse," but was commonly accepted to mean "poison" by non-Huttese-speaking races, most commonly. During the Clone Wars, it was adopted by clone commandos as a curse word. Boba Fett and Han Solo would later use it during the Second Galactic Civil War.

Shabuir (SHAH-boo-EER): extreme insult - "jerk", but much stronger

Di'kut (DEE-koot): idiot, useless individual, waste of space (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on)

Utreekov (oo-TREE-kov): fool, idiot (lit. emptyhead)

Aru'ela (AH-roo-AY-la): hostile, enemy (adj)

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Chapter 5

No one told the Kaminoans to remove the clones' sense of nobility. Chivalry is part of the genetic code that is the foundation for a good soldier, and a damsel in distress is something no man, cloned or not, should ever ignore. I merely instructed Crimson to be polite and considerate to a lady unless otherwise threatened. It was naïve of me to think that a moment of chivalry would ever turn into something... permanent. 

 Gan Pohin commenting on Gath's debriefing of the Tochin Mission

Onboard Fatal Bliss, located on Tochin Moon II, 783 Days ABG

Moving like a predator on the hunt, Gath silently slipped into alcoves and hidden recesses that he was certain ever Hazar didn't know he had. He kept his footsteps light, easily ignoring the weight of his armor and his kit. 

He had been trained for nearly his entire life with the burdens of his body so that he was accustomed to them and wouldn't have the opportunity to dwell on his own personal discomfort when he needed to concentrate on the mission objective instead. 

His short life was not what anyone would consider fun or glamorous, but was all he knew, and he was sure to do it to the best of his ability. His brothers were counting on him to be nothing less than perfect.

Gath's HUD monitored around him, allowing him to maintain his attention on whatever lay ahead. The hallways he moved within were standard plasteel alloy: gray and dull. There were no decorations or showpieces adorning the walls. 

The floor was nothing but plain, think grating with a plasteel layer beneath. The grating was rough under his boots, and Gath realized that it was a design technique to help the crew maintain their footing when the flying got rough.

Continuing on his journey toward the cockpit, Gath stopped suddenly when the floor vibrated beneath his feet, and he knew it was no longer just the grating under his boots. 

He came to the instant realization that someone had fired up the engines, and that meant one of two things: one, Hazar didn't realize they were on board, or two Hazar had programmed the ship on a collision course and was going to bail out after having locked them inside. 

Gath decided he didn't like either of those options, and he had to move quickly if he was to commandeer the ship from Hazar's possession.

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