Chapter 45

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Aru'ela (AH-roo-AY-la): hostile, enemy (adj)

Dadita (dah-DEE-tah): code used by Mandalorians, like Morse

Ika (EE-kah): diminutive suffix written as 'ika - also added to a name as a very familiar or childhood form, e.g, Ord'ika - Little Ordo

Koytc (koh-TEESH): strong

Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom): Colloquial: "I love you."

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Chapter 45

I'm sorry my first message to you probably isn't what you expected, but we barely had any time before I departed to explain. Because of the nature of my missions, we must be careful in how we communicate so that if my comm. is ever found, your identity remains unknown. First, we must never use our names. These messages will only be between you and me so it would be unnecessary anyway. Second, I cannot go into detail about where I am assigned. Much of what I do is classified, but I will try to share with you what I am permitted. Third, I will teach you more Mando'a so that we can build our own dadita, our own code. Lastly, I have to ask that you please delete this message after you read it. Perhaps I am being overly cautious, but I would just feel safer if you did. Also, before I forget, I realize that you didn't understand 'Ni kar'taylir darasuum gar' means 'I love you.' Stay kotyc.

Private comm. message from RC-1147 "Jas" to Princess Arlesse Psach of Tochin

Tochin Moon III, 38 Days after Order 66

Arlesse had moved about the small, pale yellow room. It was a two-person parlor that once was used for private negotiations that required a less formal setting. The room was occasionally used for locking up two leaders together until they resolved their differences without the interference of their aides, and because of that, there were no windows to provide a distraction. In fact, the only distraction in the parlor was the small border of dark green ivy that was painted on the trim near the ceiling.

With nothing more than two small wooden benches and an empty tea set to keep her company, it seemed that hours had passed since Arlesse had been locked in the room. She really had no idea how much time had passed, and she had no idea what had even happened to Tarj. It had been so quiet outside the room, and she had strained her ears for a long time trying to hear something.

Wondering if Harkin had forgotten about her and if she would starve to death, Arlesse closed her eyes while she sat on one of the small benches. She found solace in thinking about Jas, and that was where she placed herself rather than in this small prison awaiting an interrogation or worse.

Allowing her memories to wander back to when she and Jas had first met, she thought about how he had stayed with her in that horrid prison cell on Hazar's ship, holding onto her as he led her into the small escape pod. She never imagined in her life how in that one single moment, her trust had connected so genuinely with anyone. She'll never understand why her heart found such faith with a soldier, but she had accepted it without any regret from the moment she felt that first ping of emotion for him.

Opening her eyes, Arlesse took a heavy breath as her fantasies played a scenario in which Jas would come for her now as he had at that time. She imagined how he would blast away the door while his brothers cleared a path for them to escape. It would be just like being rescued from Hazar, but this time she would be less frightened and more comfortable around the men in Crimson.

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