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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

I hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Before the prologue begins, I'd like to say that Mandalorian (or Mando'a) words will be used throughout the story and I will be providing definitions to every Mando'a word used in each chapter and every word, for the most part, will be in italics, starting with the prologue. Be advised, I will use some Mando'a words more than once per chapter and I will use other Mando'a words more often than others. 

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Fierfek: a Huttese slang word that meant "hex" or "curse," but was commonly accepted to mean "poison" by non-Huttese-speaking races, most commonly Trandoshans. During the Clone Wars, it was adopted by clone commandos as a curse word. Boba Fett and Han Solo would later use it during the Second Galatic Civil War.

Ner vod (nair-vohd): "my brother/sister"; colloquially also "my friend"

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum (Nee soo-COO-yee, gar keer-AH-deesh, nee par-TIE-lee, gar dah-rah-SOOM): "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal"—Daily remembrance of those passed on, followed by the names of those being remembered  

Shabla (SHAH-bla): screwed up - impolite 

Star Wars Republic Commando: Knight of Honor

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I have learned much about these men, born from genetics, not birth mothers. They share emotions and bonds. They are protective of their brethren. They can even be quite charming at times. Each is different in his own way, and each is a unique individual. They should be admired for their bravery and cherished for what is within their hearts. 

 Private communication from Jedi Barriss Offee to Master Luminara Unduli, describing her experiences with the Clone Troopers during her time in the Republic Mobile Surgical Unit 7 (Rimsoo 7) on the planet Drongar

Felucia, 1089 Days ABG

"Execute Order 66."

I turn to my brother, Gath, just to be certain we were issued the appropriate order. He's our voice of reason. He is the one who always protects us. We consider him our unofficial leader. Even he seems taken aback momentarily. None of us had anything against the Jedi.

I know that I shouldn't have hesitated to fire on the Jedi General, but all my life I struggled with thoughts that were considered overly active, even for a commando. I know that as commandos we were bred to have more freedom in our thoughts, but we were also bred to have unquestionable loyalty to orders the Republic Chancellor.

 I begin to silently question Order 66, knowing I should not be allowing my thoughts so much freedom, especially not at this moment. I've seen Jedi fight and bleed right beside us. They followed their orders just as loyally as we did. Could they really have used their mysticism to blind us to their secret plans of overthrowing the Chancellor?

Reining in my thoughts, I steady my DC-17 blaster rifle, taking aim. Suddenly, I'm uncertain of my target. The legions of Separatists droids seem much more threatening. Before I pull the trigger, blaster bolts erupt around us, firing on the Jedi General as he issued an order.

Star Wars Republic Commando: Knight of Honor ✓Where stories live. Discover now