Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the story so far and read this story so far! If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Di'kut (DEE-koot): idiot, useless individual, waste of space (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on)

Ner vod (nair-vohd): "my brother/sister"; colloquially also "my friend"

Buy'ce (BOO-chay, BOO-shay): helmet; Colloquially: pint, bucket

Ba'vodu (BAH-vod-oo): uncle (plural bavodu'e) or aunt (plural bavodu'e)

Ba'vodu Gan: Uncle Gan

Haran (HAH-rahn): hell; Literally: destruction, cosmic annihilation  

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Chapter 6

No one told the Kaminoans to remove the clones' sense of nobility. Chivalry is part of the genetic code that is the foundation for a good soldier, and a damsel in distress is something no man, cloned or not, should ever ignore. I merely instructed Crimson to be polite and considerate to a lady unless otherwise threatened. It was naïve of me to think that a moment of chivalry would ever turn into something... permanent.

Gan Pohin commenting on Gath's debriefing of the Tochin Mission

Onboard Fatal Bliss, located on Tochin Moon II, 783 Days ABG  

Jas found the keypad to the doorway that lead to the captain's quarters. He inspected the area around the door, trying to rule out any possibility of there being a trap set. It would not be uncommon to open the door only to have it blow apart into shrapnel that would kill whoever was inside. 

He considered his options and had decided that there was no sign of trap around the door. Hazar hadn't thought that far ahead because he never considered the commandos would be called in to wander through his ship.

 Jas opted instead to use the code-breaker, a small hand-held datapad that had a pair of wires trailing from it, to break the chamber's lock.

He plugged the wires into a set of identical ports on either side of the keypad. He tapped a few keys on the datapad and stood patiently as he could, keeping his head scanning around the hallway for any sign of movement.

Suddenly, a female's scream came from inside the compartment. Waiting for the code-hacker device was not an option now, and Jas quickly pulled free the line of explosive tape that was coiled in the small storage area of his thigh plate.

Dusty finally caught up with Jas. "I tried to tell you to wait for backup. Could be an ambush in there."

Another scream came from inside the compartment.

"Shab," Dusty grumbled as he took from Jas the rest of the tape, and the two of them worked to set it as quickly as they could. After a few moments, they both took safe positions away from the doorframe. 

Dusty took the remote detonator and pushed a button on the device, causing a bright red light to flash around the doorframe. 

In the dimness of the hallway, it looked like a string of lava outlining the door. Suddenly, the door fell forward and slammed loudly onto the deck plating inside the chamber.

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