Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the story so far and read this story so far! If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.  

As always I hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow, and I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Ner vod (nair-vohd):  "my brother/sister"; colloquially also "my friend"

Di'kut (DEE-koot): fool, idiot, useless individual; context-dependent: can mean jerk, moron, etc.

Buy'ce (BOO-chay, BOO-shay): helmet; Colloquially: pint, bucket

Vode an: meaning "Brothers All", was an ancient Mandalorian war chant sung in Mando'a. During his training of Clone Troopers the of the Galactic Republic, Jango Fett revised a number of chants, including Vode An, replacing traditional Mandalorian keywords with more appropriate Republic ones. In this instance, it is presumable that he replaced "Mandalore" with "Coruscant". The chant was sung by the clone troopers with the accompaniment of drums and horns

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Chapter 7

Since she was a child, I never stopped Arleese from viewing the galaxy with an innocent heart, and as many times as I wanted to expose her to the realistic and unpleasant side of politics, I just could never bring myself to destroy the safe fantasy I created for her to live within. I made the mistake of overprotecting her because she is all I have. I thought it was more important for me to be her loving father than to be a king who would teach her how to play the twisted games that take place in the royal court and in the rest of the galaxy. 

King Vollan Psach admitting his faults to the Republic negotiator prior to Crimson's deployment on Tochin's Moon II

Onboard Fatal Bliss, 784 Days ABG

Gath yanked hard on the controls, watching the gaseous atmosphere of Moon III grow murkier while the Fatal Bliss pushed closer toward it. Had he not been fighting for his life and that of his brothers, he might have found the frosted-looking halo of gas around the planet fascinating. 

Maybe one day, if they survived this, he might take some time to view the astronomy holos of the planets and appreciate how the sight can be beautiful as opposed to being the sign of a deadly encounter.

Pulling on the controls again and then trying to maintain his grip, Gath pushed the frivolous idea aside. If they survived this mission, there would never be time to enjoy much of anything. 

If they weren't assigned to another operation, it would cool-down in stasis until new mission orders arrived. 

With the accelerated aging they suffered, stasis was the only way to guarantee that any of them would stay in the prime of their lives while not deployed.

A shudder bucked the hard, and the controls threatened to break free from Gath's grasp.

 He ignored the warning light above the canopy, the one that flashed in panic and wailed with a non-stop whine. It seemed to be screaming at him that all the shields had disintegrated, and right now that was the only part of his concern.

Beside him, Mouse fought with the navigational controls trying to get the computer to comprehend that the moon was rapidly coming up from below them as opposed to coming at them from behind. 

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