Chapter 62

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

There are no Mandalorian (Mando'a) words in this chapter. 

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Chapter 62

My men and I are soldiers assigned to Moff Harkin. Politics and civilian troubles aren't our concern, just doing what we're ordered. The clones before us got personal and involved with civilians, and everyone around them had allowed it. We were bred not to make that kind of error, and to ensure that we don't, we keep our distance from anyone who is not authorized to give us orders. If any of my men don't follow this simple instruction, I have no reservations about sending him to be reconditioned.

TK-2857, Moff Harkin's Stormtrooper Captain

Tochin Moon III, 87 Days after Order 66

Gillard put his hands in the air before him in a mock sign of surrender. He wore a practiced smile on his face, giving the people around him the impression that he was sincerely interested in their continued barrage of questions and concerns. He had taken on over a dozen questions, choosing each inquiry he answered specifically. He wanted the people to see that he was giving equal attention to everyone from the peasant-like farmers to the wealthier entrepreneurs who were also curious about the future of Tochin.

Normally, Gillard would have craved this kind of attention, being poked at with questions and curiosity as though he was one of those holo-drama celebrities. However, for as much as he enjoyed being put upon this type of pedestal, his thoughts were truly elsewhere. He felt his eyes constantly trying to glance over towards the novel shop where he had seen Tarj escort Arlesse. Even from his distance of over thirty feet from the entrance, he kept trying to peer into the windows to catch a glimpse of the princess.

 In his plan for this outing, he had envisioned that he would stay by her side and watch her face light up with joy while she excitedly talked to him about the stories she chose to take back to the palace with her. Being with her today was his one chance to bond with her without politics and government obstacles to get in their way. It was supposed to be just the two of them sharing a romantic engagement while he took a walk in her world.

A barrage of questions suddenly came at Gillard, asking him about how exactly he had proposed to the princess and what date they had set for their wedding. Gillard felt a wave of frustration wash over him, but he kept his practiced smile in place, hiding his disappointment that he didn't have his betrothed by his side to play the supportive role he expected of her. He knew it would have done these people some good to just see her there with him, to see that their worlds truly were merging.

 Instead, he was left alone to ward off the people's prodding questions about wedding plans that he and Arlesse hadn't had a chance to discuss yet. Just getting her to be close to him in any capacity had taken weeks, and he was certain that if he continued in his gentle efforts, the princess' resistance would eventually dissolve until she truly understood that his intentions were well-meant.

Pushing aside his constantly strained relations with Arlesse, Gillard felt his attention perk up at yet another question regarding Tochin's political matters. He debated whether or not he should answer it. After all, he had enough years of practice to ease through answers that talked in circles and offered no real conclusion. However, Gillard decided he had enough of the humble citizens for one day and that it was time to return to Arlesse.

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