Chapter 4

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Author's Note: If you have any writing tips, please feel free to comment.

As always, I continue to hope that I am doing justice to the spirit of Star Wars as well the respective authors and characters from which I borrow. Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Mandalorian (Mando'a) words

Beskar'gam (BES-kar-GAM): armor  

Ner vod (nair-vohd): "my brother/sister"; colloquially also "my friend"

Ba'vodu (BAH-vod-oo): uncle (plural bavodu'e) or aunt (plural bavodu'e)

Ba'vodu Gan: Uncle Gan

Oya! (OY-ah!): Many meanings: literally "Let's hunt!" and also "Stay alive!" but also "Hoorah!", "Go you!", "Cheers!" Always positive and triumphant.

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Chapter 4

Our clone soldiers are humans with the same basic needs and wants as any of us. Just because they live out of an armored shell, it doesn't diminish the character of the man beneath. Just as many of us are humans beneath our beskar'gam, they are the same. The Kaminoans had discovered, much to their disappointment, that they just couldn't remove the humanity from a human being, no matter how bio-genetically engineered that human is.

Rav Brahlor, clone training sergeant, overheard with the other training sergeants, in discussions regarding her squad

Infiltrating the Separatist base located on Tochin Moon II, 783 Days ABG

"That escort fleet is probably going to be taking the merc out of there soon, and if he's got the objective stashed on board, we're going to lose our chance," Dusty said as they were separately surrounding the hanger in their assigned recon positions, just awaiting Gath's order to infiltrate the base. "We've got a flawless record right now. I'd hate to see that change."

"Agreed," Gath answered. "We need to take the Tinnies around the perimeter of the hanger and then get a good look inside Hazar's ride. Mercs tend to favor hidden compartments in their ships."

"Great. Now, we have to snoop around some strange ship that's probably full of bobby traps," Jas sighed. "Too bad our sensors can't just look inside for us."

Dusty answered this time. "Relax, ner vod. If we can get close enough, we'll see what we need to see. We're just too far away right now for our scanners to get a good look at the hidden compartments."

When did you become the optimist?" Jas asked.

"About the same time, you became the pessimist," Dusty shot back.

Gath cut in this time. "Save the squabble until we're clear again. Mouse, on my mark, you clean out the roof."

"Been wondering when you'd say that," Mouse replied. "I need those two to shut up for a while so I can concentrate."

Gath talked quickly to keep the other two from snapping back at Mouse. "Dusty, Jas, we're going to need to move fast. We'll take out the Tinnies and get inside the hanger. After that, you're on the merc, and I'm on the communications array so they can't send help or fire up those Vulture ships."

Jas answered, "Copy."

Dusty responded, "Acknowledged."

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