Chapter Six: The Black and White

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The next morning, I wake to the sweet aroma of bacon coming from downstairs. At first, I think it's all just a dream, that one of my brothers is actually cooking breakfast for once, but it's all real.

Downstairs, Dylan is in the kitchen making what I assume is pancakes and Caleb is on the couch watching television. "Oh, man. She got booted off!" Caleb complains from the couch.

"Who got booted off?" I ask with yawn following right after.

"Rachel! They voted her off at the last tribal council!" He answers. "God damnit, she was the one player that didn't get involved in drama!" Caleb always vents after an episode of Survivor. He always says that he's going to be on the show one day and win us a million dollars, but he doesn't have the skills to survive on some deserted island, especially without working showers.

"Dude, you only like her because she's hot," says Dylan from the kitchen, flipping a pancake.

"That's only half the reason. She was also a badass player and she was the last girl on the show that wasn't eliminated."

Dylan chuckles. "You're in denial, my friend!"

"Shut up and make breakfast!" He orders back.

I roll my eyes at my brothers and walk into the kitchen to grab a plate of two fresh pancakes with a few strips of bacon on the side.  Then grabbing a tall glass of orange juice, I take a seat at the table. This is how I wish we were like all the time. Dylan cooking breakfast, Caleb complaining about how stupid this generation's television is, and me waking up to bacon and pancakes everyday. Mornings haven't been like this since Mom died and Dad started drinking. But now that he's gone, we can finally move on and push those lonely memories aside to make room for new and happier ones. Maybe we can finally pick up the pieces and begin to heal. Maybe, just maybe, we can be a family again.

After breakfast, I went up to my room to get changed. Today is supposed to be another warm day, so I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a navy blue top, then I put my hair up into a ponytail.

Coming back downstairs, both my brothers are now in the living room watching what's left of Survivor. "Don't you two have work today?" I ask them as they are engaged with the show.

"Caleb does, I don't," replies Dylan. "On that note, do you want a ride to school today?"

"Wouldn't you rather stay home?"

He shakes his head. "No, I have some errands to run anyway."

So Dylan ends up driving me to school today, not that I mind. I'm not used to anyone driving me places. Ever since Dylan bought my car from a friend at work, I've been driving myself everywhere, unaccompanied by anyone.

The drive is pretty much silent. Dylan's car is similar to mine, but his is cleaner and newer. When we arrive at campus, he parks the car next to the field house, which is where the buses usually pull in. "You know you're not supposed to park here, right?" I advise.

"Yeah, hence the sign right next to the car." He notions to the sign that clearly states Buses Only. "But there's something I want to talk to you about first, and it will only take a second."

"Can't we just talk after I get home?"

"No, I want to do it now."

I let my big brother speak while continuously craning my neck to watch for any arriving buses. His eyes are fixed on me and his hands are still perched on the steering wheel. "Rowen, I know you punched someone the other day, and that you won yourself a first class ticket to detention."


I figured he would find out sooner or later, but I was rooting for later. "How did you find out?" I question, beginning to fiddle with my fingers as a sign of nervousness.

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