Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Spark

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The hours began to pass us by like a storm settling on the horizon, and I eventually fall asleep. When I wake up, it's to the sound of Silas' voice. His arms are crossed around my figure, holding me closely to his chest as we lie on the couch. Even in his whisper, I can hear the tiredness brewing at the back of his throat. He must've fallen asleep alongside me.

"I have to get going," he says closely into my ear, wisps of my blonde hair falling on my face as he moves slightly.

"Shut up," I mumble.

"No, seriously. I have to get home before my dad sends a search party."

I don't want him to go, but I won't beg him to stay, even though I really want him to. It seems whenever he and I are together, I either worry too much or I don't have a care left in the world. In this case, I'm completely level headed. I've managed to push all those troubling what-ifs to the back of my brain for the time being, and for once, I'm fully content.

It has been clear to me lately that Silas seems to be the siren that chases the bad commodity away. Even if my worries aren't completely locked up within steal bars and unbreakable chains, I've found my motives to keep them at bay. It's just easier with him, and the more I fret about the future, the less time I'll actually have with him. If Silas does choose to go to Florida, I won't be spending our time by being in and out of conversations and crying to myself at night.    

Sighing, I allow Silas to release me from his embrace and the two of us sit up in unison. My jaded eyes float heavily across the beige walls of the living room until they find the familiar hands of the clock, pointing to the time 4:30.

"Okay, Dylan and Carly should be home soon anyway," I say.

"Who's Carly?"

"Dylan's fiance." I quickly realize that I haven't yet told Silas about my brother's new found love. In truth, I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I haven't even told Sam and Taylor the news.

Silas' eye shift to the side, followed by a brief raise in the eyebrows. He may not be close with Dylan, but his face almost reads the same amount of shock that mine did.

"I...  didn't even know he was in a serious relationship, let alone getting married," he says.

"You and me both. She just showed up on our doorstep like some lost puppy and made the announcement that she was staying with us for the week. Of course, Dylan neglected to tell us about this beforehand so she's practically a stranger."

"You've never met her?"

"Not until a few days ago. And from what I've learned, we don't have a lot in common."

Saying that Carly and I are different is a massive understatement. She's the fun-loving, free-spirited, country girl with a mind that runs faster than a bullet train and has no prior destination. She's fairly wealthy, her family owns a gorgeous ranch in the Carolinas, she's drop-dead gorgeous, and she's getting the wedding of her dreams. I don't prefer to think little of myself, but my life is the punch line of a bad joke compared to hers. She's probably never seen a day of loss or hardship in her life with all of the joy that beams off of her like a newly-lit lighthouse. If only I could take a share of that spirit, and maybe my life could be just as fascinating.

I tell Silas more about my soon-to-be sister-in-law as he hangs on to every word. The two of us completely disregard the time that

"Don't you have to get going or was this conversation just an excuse to stay?" I ask humorously.

"Nope, I've gotta hit the road. My dad's gonna want my ass served to me when I get home, but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before," he replies, getting to his feet. I follow him as he makes his way towards the front door, turning to face me just before he reaches for the knob. "And don't worry. I'll let you know when I make my decision as far as college goes."

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