Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lost and Found

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Music pounds in my ears, making my skin tingle. Over the roar of the music, guests dance and sing to whatever song is playing. Slight chatter can be heard in all directions, whereas I am as silent as a mouse. I was right. I don't know half of the people here. Some people I recognize from school and others from Dylan's football team, but all are like complete strangers. There are some people from our neighborhood, most likely here for the purpose of the fireworks since it is the Fourth of July. I wish I could be like them and only focus on one holiday.

The fading sun simmers on the face of the water as it begins its descent into the lake. I feel the soft touch of the cool sand in between my toes, enjoying the feeling it gives me. Coming to the lake every year used to be so exciting. My family and I would gather around a warm, brisk fire, joined by our other friends, and watch the sunset and fireworks together. My brothers and I would light sparklers and chase one another around the beach, watching in awe at the colors ignite in the sky. Those are the birthdays that I miss the most. But ever since that horrible night that robbed me of my mom, none have been the same since.

Now, birthdays are all about getting drunk, loud music, and bad karaoke.

Dylan is standing on top of a picnic table, singing a very bad version of Baby by Justin Bieber. Old classmates of his gather around him, cheering him on and holding bottles of beer in the air. By now, he's probably drunk. I can only hope that this place doesn't become a firing lot when him and Caleb set off the fireworks.

Looking towards the parking lot, I watch as more and more guests arrive, trying to pick out those I know from those I don't. I haven't seen Sam or Taylor yet, or Silas for that matter. I had invited him earlier and he said that he'd be here. I also invited Felix and Ashley as well. I even invited Maxi. In truth, I don't know if any of them will show up. It's improbable that Maxi will make an appearance, but the more familiar faces, the better.

Suddenly, my vision is subdued and I'm left in darkness. I'm startled at first, but then I feel the shapes of two hands on my face.

"Happy birthday," a recognizable voice says into my ear. I turn around and the hands are removed from my face, allowing me to see clearly once more.

Taylor brings me in for a hug and I happily hug her back. "Thank you so much for coming," I say.

"Well, I had nothing better to do," my best friend jokes.

"Neither did I," I hear someone else say. From behind Taylor, Sam comes out into view. My smile remains as we embrace one another. I haven't seen her since the last day of school, so it's great that she's here and I get to see her again. "So, let me see it!" Sam yells over the music.

"See what?"

"The tattoo! Taylor said that you grew a pair and got inked up!" she exclaims. I almost forgot about the constellation representing my mother that I got tattooed on my skin a few days ago. It feels good that I have a piece of her with me, especially on a day like today. Holding up my arm, Sam takes my arm and her eyes widen. "Wow, this looks amazing, Rowen. Taylor, you have to get me in touch with the artist," Sam says to Taylor, letting go of my wrist.

The two of us smile. "Oh, I bet Jacks would love that," Taylor says. In the background, the song finally changes, and my two friends exchange smirks. "I love this song. Sammy, come dance."

"No way. I need to find a dessert table. Rowen, wanna give me directions?" She asks me.

"Yeah. Over by the row of picnic tables," I say. Sam nods and heads off in the direction of food, and Taylor goes to join the rest of the crowd. As for me, I'm once again alone.

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