Chapter Twenty: Tribulation

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Two Years Ago...

I keep on telling myself that everything is going to be okay, that my family won't freak out when I tell them the news. I've been hiding this from them for a little while now but I'm still not sure how they'll react. All the anxiety is beginning to cluster into a flock of birds, each one tormenting me and scratching my thoughts with their sharp talons. Now that Noah is here, I thought that it would be easier for me to tell them, but it just lengthens the amount of pressure. This is it, and there's no turning back. I have to tell them that Noah and I are now dating.

After school, Noah suggested that I tell my family about us. Of course I tried to stall, but he won over me in the end. Now, I'm on my doorstep beside him, my heart pounding more than ever.

He gives my hand a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry. I'll be right behind you."

"You mean you won't turn around and run for the hills?" I ask with a crooked smile.

He laughs. "There's always that option, isn't there?" I can't help but smile widely. He always finds a way to make me smile.

At this moment, I'm tempted to kiss him as our bodies grow closer. Noah turns his body so our chests only hover apart. Taking my other hand in his, he holds them both to his lips and kiss them. I blush and my fingers run cold, despite the fact that his are so warm.

Holding both my hands just below his chin, he mumbles something. "Everything is gonna be okay."

My smile falters only a bit before the space between our faces begins to lessen. Our hands travel to our sides, still clutching onto one another until there's nothing in the way of our bodies touching. I close my eyes, ready to be met with the soft touch of Noah's lips. That is until the front door opens.
We both jump back and release each other's hands. My mom stands in the doorway, her eyes dancing from Noah to me. "What are you kids doing outside?" she asks with a pleasant grin.
"Nothing," we both say at the same time.
Mom looks at me curiously, eyeing every move I make. "Okay then. Well, why don't you guys come inside and don't forget to take off your shoes." She clears a path through the doorway.
Noah nods to my mom as we walk inside the house. "Thank you, Mrs. Clearwater. This is very kind of you."
"Oh, it's no problem, hunny. You know that you're always welcome." I don't know how, but she's always kind to everyone. Whenever I bring a friend over, she's always warm and humble around them, always offering them food or beverages. Noah has come over my house quite a few times already, and he seems to be my mom's  favorite of all my friends, not that I have a lot of friends.
Mom walks into the living room and clears some space on the couch, moving away Caleb's football gear. "Remember my rule, Rowen. Homework first," Mom reminds me as she takes Caleb's stuff upstairs.
"Okay." When she has fully disappeared upstairs, I turn back to Noah with a worried grin. "Are you sure that we should tell her now? I'm not sure how she's gonna take it."
"Nyc, we're dating. You're not telling her you're running a drug cartel." He keeps his tone low so only I can hear.
Dad is a work right now so I don't need to worry about telling him just yet. Honestly, I'm more afraid of him than I am of Mom. He always gives out the strictest punishments whereas she is more lenient.  Lord help me when he finds out.
I begin to tremble in my arms and torso, trying to keep my body at bay for as long as I can. Apparently, Noah notices the uneasiness in my movements and I feel his hands slip into mine. The shaking automatically stops at his touch.
"It's gonna be fine," he coos, looking at me through fine lashes that act at trees against the brown earth in his eyes. 

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