Chapter Thirty-Three: Quiet Eyes

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"So she's his ex?"

"Apparently," I breath, taking a sip of my coffee and taking in its sweet aroma.

"Well that explains a lot," she says.

I figured that Sam would be the most qualified person to go to in a time like this. She's not particularly close with Silas and she's only met Maxi once before, so telling her about their history together wouldn't trigger any unwanted conflictions in her part.

"I'm not even mad at him. Maybe I should be, but what good is that gonna do? We're not even officially a couple so what exactly do I have to be mad at him for?"

"You're missing the point. Yes, they have a history, and yes, they had a short fling. So what? He has eyes for you now and she's just gonna have to get over it. I say just leave it alone and let things play out the way that they're supposed to," Sam exclaims, making her opinion loud and clear as always.

Echos of Felix's words from the other day bounce off of the walls of my skull, ringing in my thoughts.

You'll do what you think is right.

That single phrase is all I've been able to think about. For some, it's meaning is as clear as day. Simply do what you believe to be right. In my case, the decision is either black or white. Only one option can be the right answer, or the right thing. And as of now, I can no longer tell the difference.

"Maybe I should talk to her," I blurt out, my thoughts suddenly becoming words.

Sam looks up from her phone and eyes me with an alarmed expression. "Woah, how about not," she says.

"Why not?"

"For three reasons." She puts down her phone and holds her hand out in front of me, preparing to count down the reasons. "One," she holds up the first finger, "You're not that lucky. Two, she will gut you like a fish. And three, you are thinking about talking to your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, who he just so happens to be friends with. You adding salt to the wound is not gonna help anyone, regardless of your larger-than-life intentions. If anything, it will just make things worse."

I lick my lips nervously as my logical solution is suddenly pulled under by Sam's tide waves of reason. She's probably right. Talking to Maxi could make things even more complicated than they already are.

"Look, it's a double-edged sword," she continues. "If you talk to her and she goes blabbing to Silas, who do you think is gonna get stuck in the middle?"

"Silas is going to feel like he has to choose," I answer with realization, dumping my face into my palms. There is absolutely no ethical way that this problem can get any worse. "Maybe you're right. Instead of a win-win, it'd be more of a lose-lose."

"Of course I'm right," she says, turning her gaze back to her phone.

From the way she dismissed the topic in the wink of an eye, I can tell that she thinks that this conversation is over. However, I can't help but feel that this problem has more than one solution. If I were to take Sam's advice, I may never get the chance to make amends with Maxi, which could mean trouble for my relationship with Silas. Though if I were to speak to her, I could only make things worse. The likeliness of me stirring up more drama ultimately outweighs the remaining odds, and I don't know if I want to take that chance.

I feel as if every single thought that flows through my head needs to be said out loud, and regardless of anyone wants to hear it, I let them flow right on out. "But still. I mean, what possible harm could it do if I did try to talk to her? Even if she does tell Silas, what is she gonna tell him? It's not like I'm gonna go... full-on angry, jealous girlfriend on her. I just want to talk to her." Hearing myself say the word girlfriend sounds funny coming from my mouth. Even when I was with Noah, I never publically announced that kind of title.

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