Chapter 1 - Hali's Normal Life

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In the kingdom of Belana, all was peaceful and everyone was having a normal day. Well, almost normal and peaceful.

"Woooohooooo!" shouted a young girl, around eighteen, as she flew high in the sky on her favorite female dragon then allowed her dragon to fly downwards at an accelerated rate while screaming happily at the freedom she has in the sky.

That is me. My name is Hali Delana Calani, I'm eighteen years old, and ready to graduate Belana High. I live with my mom and our dragon friends we make along the way.  "Hali! Come on down! It's time for dinner!" came the shout of Hali's mom making Hali look down to see her mother, Valka Calani, standing on the ground next to Cloudjumper waiting for her to descend.

"Coming mom!" Hali shouted before turning to her dragon and saying "Windshear, take us down or mom will have our hides."

"On it dragon princess," Windshear says as she angles her body downwards towards the island Hali, her mom, and their dragon friends live on for the time being.

Now, we're not an average normal family. You see, my mother and I have been living with dragons all our lives and we've developed a way to communicate with them. It was a new discovery that we called Dragonese. Since we discovered it, the dragons have been calling me their princess for some weird reason and whenever I ask my mom about it, she just brushes the concern aside and says that they think of us as royalty since they have never been in contact with any human but us. It kind of makes sense to me but lately I've been having some suspicions.

When Windshear landed, Hali dismounted and patted Windshear on the neck gently to tell her thanks and watched as Windshear took off to eat some more sea slugs and catch up with her dragon friends. Smiling, Hali walked over to where her mother was and followed her into their temporary hut home. The two then sat down at the makeshift table and began to eat. In the middle of eating, Hali paused and stared at her food. Valka noticed this and asked "What's wrong dear?"

"I don't know's just...why do we have to move a lot? Why can't we stay in one place to where I can make friends and try out for track or academics?" Hali asked after thinking of the questions she wanted to say.

Valka smiled sadly and said "We have to move a lot because of our discovery of Dragonese and because your special dear. Besides, you've been hanging around your Uncle Gobber too much again haven't you?"

Now Uncle Gobber is technically not my uncle but he feels like family. He's been like a father figure towards me and has always taught me how to play sports and be competitive. I may have a small structure but I'm strong enough to take even the toughest men down, even without my dragon friends help.

"Mom, everyone at school says that their parents call them special but what am I? I'm not that special and I want to make friends, human friends. I don't mind having dragon friends but I can't have human friends if I'm moving around the world 24/7," Hali protested pulling a lock of her reddish auburn hair behind her ear and placing it back into it's high waist-length ponytail.

"Honey, I wish we didn't have to move. Truly I do. But we have no choice if we want to protect our dragons and because of our discovery and your specialness as well," Valka said sternly pointing out a reminder of why they must keep moving onward.

Hali sighed sadly and pushed her half-eaten food away saying "I've lost my appetite," before heading upstairs towards her room and slamming the door behind her.

Sighing, Valka just went back to stirring her soup and whispered "I wish I could tell you the truth my child but your just not ready yet."

In her room, Hali layed on her bed with her hair, now out of its ponytail, splayed out from behind her head like a waterfall and her makeshift wool side skirt laying out from her right side. She studied the ceiling for some time before closing her forest green eyes and sighing before opening them again. It's always been like this for her and her mother. They would always have to, unexpectedly, move to a different location, far from their original one, and live at the far edges of the country until they have to move again. This was not a problem for Hali when she was little but now it's starting to become hard to finish school when she had to be pulled out in the middle of the school year one day and be transferred to a new one the next day.

This year, she was hoping to at least stay in this school just until she graduates and not have to move again. Then it would mean starting over at a new school, meet new people, and always be nervous during the first few days at the new school before finally getting into a new routine. It was always nerve-wracking but at least the schools allowed her to have her small dragon companion to come with her and help her learn the ways of the new school. "Hey Dragon Princess, you okay?" came the voice of her little friend that Hali liked to call Sharpshot.

Looking over at Sharpshot, Hali just sadly smiled and said "I'm fine it's just another argument with my mom over moving again. (Sighs) I wish that it would have to be like this all my life."

"Don't worry, things will get better soon. You know that,"  Sharpshot said encouragingly.

"I do but it's hard to hold onto that hope when we've been moving around the world all my life and I've never actually grown up in a place that I could call my childhood home," Hali said as she sat up, making her hair fall in straight behind her like a river, and crossed her legs together in meditation form.

"Well you can't give up hope Princess, otherwise you'll never know what's truly out there for you,"  Sharpshot pointed out wisely, reminding Hali of what she always wanted to do.

"1. Quit calling me Princess because I'm not one and 2. How can achieve my dreams of becoming an athlete when all my mom and I ever do is move from one kingdom to the next kingdom," Hali asked her dragon friend while telling him to quit calling her that name.

Frankly, Hali never considered herself royalty or popular and went for a more tomboyish, athlete, warrior looking style. For her top she wore just simple beige wrapped top that was shoulderless and sleeveless but covering that up was a dark brown leather shawl clipped together with a stoker class symbol clip that she sewed on there herself. Her skirt was made out of strong black leather and just went from the left thigh all the way to her lower right knee in a ragged way. Her leggings were white and covered up all of the skin on her legs while her feet were covered up with brown leather boots that had a beige string wrapped around each of them twice. To show off her warriorness, Hali wore silver spike armor, made from Windshear's spikes, on both arms and shoulders, and wore Nightfury scales, made from Toothless's shedded scales, on her knee caps, and on her elbows, to take any falling impact and protect her.

Her hair was always in a high ponytail or in a low right side braid to keep it out of the wind and allow her to steer or feel the freedom from flying in the wind. She even had makeshift bangs on the right side, with only one thick piece of her hair, that went down to her chin and would always tie that back with a red rose flower clip her mother gave her when she was little. Right now it was just sitting on her makeshift desk waiting to be used in another one of her night flights. "You know princess that you are one in our eyes and you will become an athlete one day. It just takes time," Sharpshot reminded Hali with a squeak as he came over to her and layed down in the middle of her lap for a nap.

"I know it takes time but the real question is...when will it begin?" Hali asked to nobody in the room quietly as she felt Sharpshot rest and petted him softly to help him sleep better while being lost in thought of how things will become better for her and her mother when they always had to leave when things were looking good for them.

Hey, it's Shayelee8 here with my brand new book and this one was inspired by a book on fanfiction called How to train a prince. It's amazing and I loved it because it was HTTYD fanfiction and the plot inspired me of a genderbent version of an athlete tomboyish princess. Hope you all love it and I will update my other books as soon as I get inspiration or if I can undo writers block on them. Please no haters. Read, Vote, Comment, and Follow. Shayelee8 Out. Peace.

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