Chapter 2 - An Unexpected Visit from Uncle Gobber

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"Wow, so your mom is set on moving after you graduate? That's harsh," Heather said as both her and Hali closed their locker doors and headed out into the hallway for their 5th hour class.

Heather was one of Hali's good friends that she made the first day she came here and the two were like the bestest of friends and were almost inseparable. She was usually the one who Hali came to talk to whenever she got into a dispute with her mother. Like Hali, Heather usually went for a tomboyish-warrior look that had her at wearing Razorwhip armor, that Hali provided, on both her shoulders, both arms, at the knee caps, and wore Razorwhip scales around her waist, as a skirt, and on the top of both boots. For her shirt, she wore a dark brown leather short-sleeved shirt with light brown fabric covering the arms. The leggings she wore were made of black leather and her hair was in a low beautiful right-side braid.

Both girls had a light skin tone, fair skin, and thin lips but Hali's eyes were of a beautiful forest green while Heather's were of a light green and Hali had thin auburn eyebrows while Heather had thin black eyebrows. "I know it's harsh but what else can I do? She's my overprotective mother that won't even let me try out for sports or for track because you never know when my Uncle Gobber will arrive and then we have to move again," Hali responded in agreement, and a bit of sarcasm, as they entered the Gym, for their 5th hour class, and headed into the changing room to change into their regular Gym outfits.

After both were done, they headed outside and started doing stretching exercises getting warmed up for what their coach had planned for them for today. "Don't you think that it's weird that your mom just up and moves two months after Gobber makes an unexpected visit?" Heather asks suspiciously as she spread her legs into a straight line, onto the floor, and started stretching over to her right side.

"Not really, but it does get a bit suspicious after it's been happening for a long time," Hali replied as she did the same thing Heather did but stretched over towards her left.

"Well don't you think your mom is hiding something?" Heather asked as she switched towards her left while Hali switched to her right.

"Maybe, she always says that it's always because of my specialness that we have to move but I don't understand why she always uses that same excuse every time I bring that up because I always said that I was never special at all," Hali responded with a frown and an eye roll.

"Hmm...that's very suspicious but then again, your mom might be wanting something from her past to not find you or she's running from her past," Heather summed up while switching to stretching down the middle as Hali did the same.

"Does everything have to do with my mom's past? My mom already told me everything I know of about her past, what more could she hide from me?" Hali asks as both she and Heather get up and begin to stretch out their arms as the rest of their classmates came in and stretched with them.


Back at their home, Valka took out a loose floorboard to reveal a box and carefully took it out to reveal it to be old and rickety. She opened it to show a couple of pictures of her past and some other things she held dear to her heart from her past. Taking out a picture she had of her one true love, she felt tears go down her cheeks as it was hard to leave him at a time like that but it was harder not to tell him of his child. "I'm sorry for leaving you hun but it was for the best," she whispered before placing the picture back into the box, closing it, and placing the box back inside the secret compartment and placing the floorboard back into it's original position before heading out for a flight with Cloudjumper.


Meanwhile, Hali groaned at another assignment being given to her and to know that it was due in two days was hard enough to send her over the edge, in anger. Once the bell rang, she had never been more happy to be running out of the classroom and headed towards her locker to get the rest of her stuff. Suddenly, she was slammed against her locker hard and turned her head, as best as she could, to see that it was Dagur, Heather's older, crazy-in-the-head, brother. "Hi Dagur, how's life treating ya?" Hali asked sarcastically knowing all too well what Dagur's reply would be.

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