Chapter 4 - Who Are You?

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Hali was busy with her calculus homework when she heard knocking at the front door. Putting down her pencil, that she had been tapping on her book page in order for her to think, she got up, and walked straight over to the door before opening it to reveal a man she had never seen before with a red beard that went towards his chest and red hair that was long enough to be put into a ponytail. He was bulkier than Gobber and seemed to be as strong as him while holding himself high as if he was royalty with the clothing that he wore seemed to be meant for a prince or someone in a higher up.

"Can I help you?" Hali asked him unsure of who this guy is and wondering if she should let her mother take over.

"Yes, is there a woman by the name of Valka Calani living here?" the man asks politely in a regal manner.

"What's it to you if she does?" Hali asked him testily getting on edge on how this guy knew her mother's name and preparing herself in case she needs to kick some butt.

"I just want to talk to her on official business. It's about Berk, her birth village," the man replied seemingly not wanting to get into a fight.

Suspicious, Hali frowned before yelling "Mom! There's a stranger at our front door!"

Scrambling was heard before Valka's frantic footsteps replaced it and it wasn't long before she showed up at the door saying "Hali sweetie, why don't you go visit Heather? I know that your needing help with your calculus homework," after taking one quick look at the man in front of Hali and trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Yay!" Hali cheered happily, while forgetting about the man in front of her, before grabbing her homework on the table and taking off towards Windshear, who flew her to Heather's house out of the man's, and Valka's, sight and away from hearing range.

While Valka and the strange man talked, Hali and Heather worked together to get the calculus homework and finished within the hour. Giving her best friend a hug, and in a hurry to get out of the house as Dagur was almost home, Hali left and flew Windshear high up into the air. She threw her arms out in a straight line and let the wind fly past her to let the worries of the day fade away. Hearing Windshear roar, she put her arms down and looked at something.

It was her mother crying and the strange man from earlier, holding her.


"Valka? Is that you?" the man asked worried that it might be just a dream and it wouldn't be real for him to touch at all.

"How...How did you find me....Stoick?" Valka asked in a whisper looking downwards at the ground not bothering to look at the man she still loved.

"After my parents died I was able to access the information you sent them about our daughter. Why did you not tell me about our child when you were pregnant with her?" Stoick asked and responded at the same time while looking at her with concern.

"You said that you weren't ready at the time to have a kid, why bother with telling if the kid was gonna be nothing but a disappointment to you? Besides it was better as to not let Hali think that her father hates her for her whole life than to let her know that she was a mistake that you didn't want," Valka explained bitterly reminding him of the last conversation they had when Valka was about to tell him some good news.

"That day you said you had some great news to tell me that would get my mind off the realities of the world, that was the day you found out about you being pregnant with our child wasn't it?" Stoick asked to confirm what he needed to know.

"Yes, Hali is my daughter and she means the world to me. So husband or not, you try to hurt our kid, I will make you pay dearly," Valka threatened now looking at Stoick dead in the eye to let him know that she was meaning the truth when she said those words.

"Valka, I would never wish to hurt you or our child. Had I known earlier, I would've been there to protect and raise her. I know I said I wasn't ready to have a child but that was because I felt like I wasn't even ready at all and my mother often told me that no man is ever ready to have a kid," Stoick explained before putting both of his hands on Valka shoulders gently and continuing, "But that doesn't mean that I don't love our child when I first saw her. (Choking up at this sentence) She looks so much like you."

Sniffling Valka let out a smile and said, "On the outside, but on the inside, she is a lot like you Stoick."

Smiling, Stoick wrapped his arms around Valka in a hug to comfort her before hearing the sounds of spikes whistling through the air and turned to see them land a few feet behind him in warning. The both of them looked up to see Hali riding Windshear with an angry look on her face directed at Stoick.


Shocked, Hali reacted quickly and had Windshear shoot spikes behind the man in warning before jumping off Windshear, while still being high in the air, and landing on her own two feet before rolling forward and stand on her own two feet again with ease. Pulling out her secret knife she kept hidden from her mother, in case of emergencies, she held it out in a threatening manner against the man and said "What did you do to my mother?" in a threatening tone.

"Hali, he did nothing to me dear," Valka said trying to calm her daughter down as she got in between her daughter and the man she loved dearly.

"He made you cry mother! That's a reason enough to attack him for trying to hurt you!" Hali cried out making the man impressed at the way his daughter was protective of her mother like he was when he first met his wife.

"Honey, your father was not trying to hurt me. He was trying to comfort me," Valka explained before going pale as she accidentally let that secret slide out.

Shocked, Hali lowered her knife to say, "What, he can't be my father. He looks like a royal, you said that my father was of the royal's right-hand man."

"Sometimes right-hand usually means governor or ....Prince," Valka said rubbing the back of her right hand in a nervous manner.

"What are you saying mum?" Hali asked suspicious of where this conversation was going.

"I'm Prince Stoick 'the Vast' Haddock Berk, soon to become the King of Berk, and I am also your father as well Hali," the man/Stoick introducing himself in trying to not intimidate his own daughter while trying to ease the tension in the air.

"YOUR MY FATHER?!?!" Was what Hali shouted in shock, making Valka cringe, before running off into the woods to catch a ride on Toothless to clear things out cause, as for now, her whole world just turned upside down at this turn of events.

Here you all go, part 4 of How to Train A Princess. I hope you all love it and are interested to see what happens next. But please no haters. If you don't love it then don't read it. Read, Vote, Comment, and Follow! Love you all!! Especially to my newest followers that have been coming in a lot recently!!! Shayelee8 out!! Peace!!!

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